
The son of Buthra has said to me,

أتاني ما يقول لي ابن بظرى

1. The son of Buthra has said to me,
"Are you wise, O son of Tha'labah's dawn?"

١. أَتاني ما يَقولُ لي اِبنُ بُظرى
أَقَيسٌ يا اِبنَ ثَعلَبَةِ الصَباحِ

2. To a slave son of a whore and a scoundrel,
Of unknown origin and diverse haunts.

٢. لَعَبدانَ اِبنِ عاهِرَةٍ وَخِلطٍ
رَجوفِ الأَصلِ مَدخولِ النَواحي

3. Indeed the sons of 'Abdan have traveled far and wide
Yet they did not thank my mother or my drinking cups.

٣. لَقَد سَفَرَت بَنو عَبدانَ بَيناً
فَما شَكَروا بِلَأمي وَالقِداحِ

4. Before you finish composing verses,
Seek help from grammarians along with the winds.

٤. إِلَيكُم قَبلَ تَجهيزِ القَوافي
تَزورُ المُنجِدينَ مَعَ الرِياحِ

5. You have not insulted me for many years,
Nor with honey that claps with wind.

٥. فَما شَتمي بِسَنّوتٍ بِزُبدٍ
وَلا عَسَلٍ تُصَفِّقُهُ بِراحِ

6. But only the water of 'Alqamah and Sal'
Churned from the coagulated blood of slaughter.

٦. وَلَكِن ماءُ عَلقَمَةٍ وَسَلعٍ
يُخاضُ عَلَيهِ مِن عَلَقِ الذُباحِ

7. In satire, your mother is more deserving than us
For what she bore of excessive immorality.

٧. لَأُمُّكَ بِالهِجاءِ أَحَقُّ مِنّا
لِما أَبَلَتكَ مِن شَوطِ الفِضاحِ

8. Are we not the defenders when we are alarmed
And regiments charge before dawn?

٨. أَلَسنا المانِعينَ إِذا فَزَعنا
وَزافَت فَيلَقٌ قَبلَ الصَباحِ

9. We exhaust the living fire
While the generosity of horses stumbles into spears.

٩. سَوامَ الحَيِّ حَتّى نَكتَفيهِ
وَجودُ الخَيلِ تَعثُرُ في الرِماحِ

10. Are we not the pursuers of those who came to us
When the fertile valleys were violated?

١٠. أَلَسنا المُقتَفينَ بِمَن أَتانا
إِذا ما حارَدَت خورُ اللِقاحِ

11. Are we not the relief for every affliction
When water is scarce in the pond?

١١. أَلَسنا الفارِجينَ لِكُلِّ كَربٍ
إِذا ما غُصَّ بِالماءِ القَراحِ

12. Are we not the most honorable when tracing ancestry
And the purest that strikes with Indian swords?

١٢. أَلَسنا نَحنُ أَكرَمَ إِن نُسِبنا
وَأَضرَبَ بِالمُهَنَّدَةِ الصَفاحِ