1. Your turning away though moderation might heal
An ill that returns now my hair shows its gray,
١. كَفى بِالَّذي تولينَهُ لَو تَجَنَّبا
شِفاءً لِسُقمٍ بَعدَما عادَ أَشيَبا
2. Was once, I thought, but interpreting my love,
Like a Beduin's tent he packs up and makes off.
٢. عَلى أَنَّها كانَت تَأَوَّلُ حُبَّها
تَأَوُّلَ رِبعِيِّ السِقابِ فَأَصحَبا
3. So she whose love but increased her sickness
Would show affection though parted from her dear.
٣. فَتَمَّ عَلى مَعشوقَةٍ لا يَزيدُها
إِلَيهِ بَلاءُ الشَوقِ إِلّا تَحَبُّبا
4. A man whom anxiety kept by his bed
Tossed and turned there in the watches of night.
٤. وَإِنّي اِمرُؤٌ قَد باتَ هَمّي قَريبَتي
تَأَوَّبَني عِندَ الفِراشِ تَأَوُّبا
5. I charge the wise, if age should draw near,
With the counsel of one who's known fate and has erred,
٥. سَأوصي بَصيراً إِن دَنَوتُ مِنَ البِلى
وَصاةَ اِمرِئٍ قاسى الأُمورَ وَجَرَّبا
6. Seek not love from one grown remote,
Nor spurn one still hostile should he draw near.
٦. بِأَن لا تَبَغَّ الوُدَّ مِن مُتَباعِدٍ
وَلا تَنأَ عَن ذي بِغضَةٍ إِن تَقَرَّبا
7. For he is close who makes himself close,
By your life, not he who boasts of blood ties.
٧. فَإِنَّ القَريبَ مَن يُقَرِّبُ نَفسَهُ
لَعَمرُ أَبيكَ الخَيرَ لا مَن تَنَسَّبا
8. When a man is estranged from his clan,
Save by pretense, none there knows his plight,
٨. مَتى يَغتَرِب عَن قَومِهِ لا يَجِد لَهُ
عَلى مَن لَهُ رَهطٌ حَوالَيهِ مُغضَبا
9. Among a people where love is not known
Nor long lineage, save by false claim.
٩. وَيُحطَم بِظُلمٍ لا يَزالُ يَرى لَهُ
مَصارِعَ مَظلومٍ مُجَرّاً وَمَسحَبا
10. Since my people left, I've seemed to see
In them one wronged, seeking his due, distraught.
١٠. وَتُدفَنُ مِنهُ الصالِحاتُ وَإِن يُسِئ
يَكُن ما أَساءَ النارَ في رَأسِ كَبكَبا
11. A man called his clan to defend him,
I called a folk armed with long spears, aloof.
١١. وَلَيسَ مُجيراً إِن أَتى الحَيَّ خائِفٌ
وَلا قائِلاً إِلّا هُوَ المُتَعَيَّبا
12. They agreed to do me injustice,
Yet I was no weakling before that disgrace.
١٢. أَرى الناسَ هَرّوني وَشُهِّرَ مَدخَلي
وَفي كُلِّ مَمشى أَرصَدَ الناسُ عَقرَبا
13. By the Lord of the vale, had I cried out,
A generous man would have come, angry, head held high.
١٣. فَأَبلِغ بَني سَعدِ بنِ قَيسٍ بِأَنَّني
عَتَبتُ فَلَمّا لَم أَجِد لِيَ مَعتَبا
14. I see among you one, sword in hand,
As if he folds his palms oozing blood.
١٤. صَرَمتُ وَلَم أَصرِمكُمُ وَكَصارِمٍ
أَخٌ قَد طَوى كَشحاً وَأَبَّ لِيَذهَبا
15. He has no ancient glory, no grace,
No favoring wind, south or east or west.
١٥. وَمِثلُ الَّذي تولونَني في بُيوتِكُم
يُقَنّي سِناناً كَالقُدامى وَثَعلَبا
16. By your Lord I swear, for all you've charged me,
He'll know who tomorrow lies abject, outcast!
١٦. وَيَبعُدُ بَيتُ المَرءِ عَن دارِ قَومِهِ
فَلَن يَعلَموا مُمساهُ إِلّا تَحَسُّبا
17. Like ox and jinni that beats its back
Though it's done no wrong, and the water it lets pass.
١٧. إِلى مَعشَرٍ لا يُعرَفُ الوُدُّ بَينَهُم
وَلا النَسَبُ المَعروفُ إِلّا تَنَسُّبا
18. It's done no wrong the water let pass,
The water let pass lest the blows come down!
١٨. أَراني لَدُن أَن غابَ قَومي كَأَنَّما
يَرانِيَ فيهِم طالِبُ الحَقِّ أَرنَبا
19. If I shun you, making peace with your foe,
Giving him nothing but feud and partedness,
١٩. دَعا قَومَهُ حَولي فَجاؤوا لِنَصرِهِ
وَنادَيتُ قَوماً بِالمُسَنّاةِ غُيَّبا
20. And if I draw near, no amulet to be seen,
That skins amongst you show pierced all over,
٢٠. فَأَرضوهُ أَن أَعطوهُ مِنّي ظُلامَةً
وَما كُنتُ قُلّاً قَبلَ ذَلِكَ أَزيَبا
21. My hound will bark himself hoarse behind you
As I make my people needless of you for food.
٢١. وَرُبَّ بَقيعٍ لَو هَتَفتُ بِجَوِّهِ
أَتاني كَريمٌ يَنفُضُ الرَأسَ مُغضَبا
22. I hold back from your honor, and lend you
A tongue like a blacksmith's pair of snips.
٢٢. أَرى رَجُلاً مِنكُم أَسيفاً كَأَنَّما
يَضُمُّ إِلى كَشحَيهِ كَفّاً مُخَضَّبا
23. There you cannot reward me as you ought,
But God will reward me, requiting your deed.
٢٣. وَما عِندَهُ مَجدٌ تَليدٌ وَلا لَهُ
مِنَ الريحِ فَضلٌ لا الجَنوبُ وَلا الصَبا
24. I praise you behind your backs, and truly
When loyalty becomes partisan, I shall be
٢٤. وَإِنّي وَما كَلَّفتُموني وَرَبِّكُم
لَيَعلَمَ مَن أَمسى أَعَقَّ وَأَحرَبا
25. A man of your number, sharing your fate,
Not seen by your foes paired with weakness.
٢٥. لَكَالثَورِ وَالجِنِّيُّ يَضرِبُ ظَهرَهُ
وَما ذَنبَهُ إِن عافَتِ الماءَ مَشرَبا
26. I see myself and Amr, between us but
The strike of a flint, and soon blood will spill.
٢٦. وَما ذَنبُهُ أَن عافَتِ الماءَ باقِرٌ
وَما إِن تَعافُ الماءَ إِلّا لِيُضرَبا
27. Each pretending he is not in the wrong,
So I check my rage, or he does, that day.
٢٧. فَإِن أَنأَ عَنكُم لا أُصالِح عَدوَّكُم
وَلا أُعطِهِ إِلّا جِدالاً وَمِحرَبا
28. He who trusts informers leaves not one friend,
Even if the dear one before was so close.
٢٨. وَإِن أَدنُ مِنكُم لا أَكُن ذا تَميمَةٍ
يُرى بَينَكُم مِنها الأَجالِدُ مُثقَبا
29. When the she-camels drew my dark night,
I held fast and did not pardon my foe a lapse,
٢٩. سَيَنبَحُ كَلبي جَهدَهُ مِن وَرائِكُم
وَأُغني عِيالي عَنكُمُ أَن أُؤَنَّبا
30. As the Roman seeks the notch of his lock
If his key misses the hole, thwarting access.
٣٠. وَأَدفَعُ عَن أَعراضِكُم وَأُعيرُكُم
لِساناً كَمِقراضِ الخَفاجِيِّ مِلحَبا
31. What think you then of the lion guarding his den,
Who drives the lions off from the lands they roam,
٣١. هُنالِكَ لا تَجزونَني عِندَ ذاكُمُ
وَلَكِن سَيَجزيني الإِلَهُ فَيُعقِبا
32. Hiding death-dealing irons as he walks,
To draw them out when the day of trial comes?
٣٢. ثَنائي عَلَيكُم بِالمَغيبِ وَإِنَّني
أَراني إِذا صارَ الوَلاءُ تَحَزُّبا
33. He takes the foremost place of the herd, when he sallies,
And the herd cannot be without him.
٣٣. أَكونُ اِمرَءً مِنكُم عَلى ما يَنوبُكُم
وَلَن يَرَني أَعداؤكُم قَرنَ أَعضَبا
34. I surpassed you though not yet my hair turned gray,
Yet you made me taste the poetry of an old man brought low!
٣٤. أَراني وَعَمرواً بَينَنا دَقُّ مَنشِمٍ
فَلَم يَبقَ إِلّا أَن أُجَنَّ وَيَكلَبا
35. A people who do not know love between them,
Nor long lineage, save by false boasts.
٣٥. كِلانا يُرائي أَنَّهُ غَيرُ ظالِمٍ
فَأَعزَبتُ حِلمي أَو هُوَ اليَومَ أَعزَبا
36. Since my people left, I have seemed to see
Among them one wronged, seeking justice, distraught.
٣٦. وَمَن يُطِعِ الواشينَ لا يَترُكوا لَهُ
صَديقاً وَإِن كانَ الحَبيبَ المُقَرَّبا
37. A man called on his people to defend him,
While I called on a folk armed with long spears, absent.
٣٧. وَكُنتُ إِذا ما القِرنُ رامَ ظُلامَتي
غَلِقتُ فَلَم أَغفِر لِخَصمي فَيَدرَبا
38. They agreed to oppress me unjustly
Though I was no weakling before that disgrace.
٣٨. كَما اِلتَمَسَ الرومِيُّ مِنشَبَ قُفلِهِ
إِذا اِجتَسَّهُ مِفتاحُهُ أَخطَأَ الشَبا
39. By the Lord of the valley, had I cried out
A generous man would have come, head raised angrily.
٣٩. فَما ظَنُّكُم بِاللَيثِ يَحمي عَرينَهُ
نَفى الأُسدَ عَن أَوطانِهِ فَتُهُيِّبا
40. I see among you one with a sword in his hand
As though folding bloodied palms as he walks.
٤٠. يُكِنُّ حِداداً مَوجَداتٍ إِذا مَشى
وَيُخرِجُها يَوماً إِذا ما تَحَرَّبا
41. He has no ancient glory or grace,
No favoring wind, south or east or west wind.
٤١. لَهُ السَورَةُ الأولى عَلى القِرنِ إِذ غَدا
وَلا يَستَطيعُ القِرنُ مِنهُ تَغَيُّبا
42. By your Lord I swear, despite all you accused me,
He will know tomorrow who is outcast and wretched!
٤٢. عَلَوتُكُمُ وَالشَيبُ لَم يَعلُ مَفرِقي
وَهادَيتُموني الشِعرَ كَهلاً مُجَرَّبا