
Do you depart from Layla though you are not yet equipped,

أترحل من ليلى ولما تزود

1. Do you depart from Layla though you are not yet equipped,
Like one who has accomplished the separation from affection?

١. أَتَرحَلُ مِن لَيلى وَلَمّا تَزَوَّدِ
وَكُنتَ كَمَن قَضّى اللُبانَةَ مِن دَدِ

2. I see it as foolish for a man to set his heart
On a fair-cheeked coquette; when close, she distances.

٢. أَرى سَفَهاً بِالمَرءِ تَعليقَ لُبَّهِ
بِغانِيَةٍ خَودٍ مَتى تَدنُ تَبعُدِ

3. Have you forgotten the days we spent together in Duhaysha
And our days in the desert, uninhabited and desolate,

٣. أَتَنسَينَ أَيّاماً لَنا بِدُحَيضَةٍ
وَأَيّامَنا بَينَ البَدِيِّ فَثَهمَدِ

4. And the arid plain where gazelles frisked about
When, like al-Raziqi, you rode your excellent steed?

٤. وَبَيداءَ تيهٍ يَلعَبُ الآلُ فَوقَها
إِذا ما جَرى كَالرازِقِيِّ المُعَضَّدِ

5. I traversed the barren plain of Sahba mounted
On a swift she-camel, wandering far from all dwellings,

٥. قَطَعتُ بِصَهباءِ السَراةِ شِمِلَّةٍ
مَروحِ السُرى وَالغِبِّ مِن كُلِّ مَسأَدِ

6. Built by al-Sawadi, the compliant and obedient,
Who gave me water and fed me barley at Mahjad.

٦. بَناها السَوادِيُّ الرَضيخُ مَعَ الخَلى
وَسَقيِي وَإِطعامي الشَعيرَ بِمَحفَدِ

7. At the abode of Ibn Yazid or that of Ibn Mu'arrif
She lingered awhile before journeying on, bridled.

٧. لَدى اِبنِ يَزيدٍ أَو لَدى اِبنِ مُعَرِّفٍ
يَفُتُّ لَها طَوراً وَطَوراً بِمِقلَدِ

8. She became like the structure erected by al-Tahami
With bricks, mortar, lime, and jagged stones.

٨. فَأَضحَت كَبُنيانِ التَهامِيِّ شادَهُ
بِطينٍ وَجَيّارٍ وَكِلسٍ وَقَرمَدِ

9. When the day of departure came and he who grieves
Had gear for one distressed, desirous of setting out,

٩. فَلَمّا غَدا يَومَ الرُقادِ وَعِندَهُ
عَتادٌ لِذي هَمٍّ لِمَن كانَ يَغتَدي

10. I tightened her girth and she grew restive
And strayed onto the road, lost without guidance.

١٠. شَدَدتُ عَلَيها كورَها فَتَشَدَّدَت
تَجورُ عَلى ظَهرِ الطَريقِ وَتَهتَدي

11. For three months and more she became accustomed
To the gear of travelers, like a sword worn smooth;

١١. ثَلاثاً وَشَهراً ثُمَّ صارَت رَذِيَّةً
طَليحَ سِفارٍ كَالسِلاحِ المُفَرَّدِ

12. Her obstinacy refused curses - may her decline
Be to the Glorious, the Bestowing, the Praiseworthy Muhammad!

١٢. إِلَيكَ أَبَيتَ اللَعنَ كانَ كَلالُها
إِلى الماجِدِ الفَرعِ الجَوادِ المُحَمَّدِ

13. To a king whose cares are not dispelled by sleep
Or by retiring to the couch where he reclines;

١٣. إِلى مَلِكٍ لا يَقطَعُ اللَيلُ هَمَّهُ
خَروجٍ تَروكٍ لِلفِراشِ المُمَهَّدِ

14. The drawn sword of long struggle awakens his cares,
Disturbing the slumber of warriors in every camp.

١٤. طَويلَ نِجادِ السَيفِ يَبعَثُ هَمُّهُ
نِيامَ القَطا بِاللَيلِ في كُلِّ مَهجَدِ

15. You were never found by war to be sleepy
When called, or lying languid on any couch,

١٥. فَما وَجَدَتكَ الحَربُ إِذ فُرَّ نابُها
عَلى الأَمرِ نَعّاساً عَلى كُلِّ مَرقَدِ

16. But war comes to life in the least of its forms
If roused, though not raging with destructive fire.

١٦. وَلَكِن يَشُبُّ الحَربَ أَدنى صُلاتِها
إِذا حَرَّكوهُ حَشَّها غَيرَ مُبرِدِ

17. By the life of Him whose Caaba the Quraysh circumambulated,
You inflicted on them a cunning scheme, unpropped!

١٧. لَعَمرُ الَّذي حَجَّت قُرَيشٌ قَطينَهُ
لَقَد كِدتَهُم كَيدَ اِمرِئٍ غَيرِ مُسنَدِ

18. All were humbled, so you wronged no one,
You trampled them with the tread of a fettered camel

١٨. أُلى كُلٌّ فَلَستَ بِظالِمٍ
وَطِئتَهُمُ وَطءَ البَعيرِ المُقَيَّدِ

19. With a well-groomed army whose glance does not waver
And horses and spears and troops giving victory

١٩. بِمَلمومَةٍ لا يَنفُضُ الطَرفُ عَرضَها
وَخَيلٍ وَأَرماحٍ وَجُندٍ مُؤَيَّدِ

20. As if the ostriches of Dubbat were over them
When they cry out discordantly with an enraged wail.

٢٠. كَأَنَّ نَعامَ الدُوُّباضَ عَلَيهِمُ
إِذا ريعَ شَتّى لِلصَريخِ المُنَدِّدِ

21. None showed weakness or gave way, as though his brow
Were smeared with dregs or plastered with dried mud.

٢١. فَما مُخدِرٌ وَردٌ كَأَنَّ جَبينَهُ
يُطَلّى بِوَرسٍ أَو يُطانُ بِمُجسَدِ

22. The mosquitoes of Qurayta stung their necks
Whenever they alighted on their hides, buzzing.

٢٢. كَسَتهُ بَعوضُ القَريَتَينِ قَطيفَةً
مَتى ما تَنَل مِن جِلدِهِ يَتَزَنَّدِ

23. As if the people's clothes around his lair
Were flies swarming on the flank of a harvest-heap.

٢٣. كَأَنَّ ثِيابَ القَومِ حَولَ عَرينِهِ
تَبابينُ أَنباطٍ لَدى جَنبِ مُحصَدِ

24. He saw the light of a fire after roaming awhile,
Its glow shining through the twisted branches of 'athl and gharqad.

٢٤. رَأى ضَوءَ نارٍ بَعدَما طافَ طَوفَةً
يُضيءُ سَناها بَينَ أَثلٍ وَغَرقَدِ

25. So he rejoiced at the fire which guided him
To them, and kindled the raging blaze.

٢٥. فَيا فَرَحا بِالنارِ إِذ يَهتَدي بِها
إِلَيهِم وَإِضرامِ السَعيرِ المُوَقَّدِ

26. When they saw him below the tread of their steeds
They fled hastily, equipped with their weapons.

٢٦. فَلَمّا رَأَوهُ دونَ دُنيا رِكابِهِم
وَطاروا سِراعاً بِالسِلاحِ المُعَتَّدِ

27. The love of life was allowed them, so they fled,
While the soul's hope for tomorrow spurs one on.

٢٧. أَتيحَ لَهُم حُبُّ الحَياةِ فَأَدبَروا
وَمَرجاةُ نَفسِ المَرءِ ما في غَدٍ غَدِ

28. Before he could meet a captive, lightly-held,
With none to ransom him, they heard his cry

٢٨. فَلَم يَسبِقوهُ أَن يُلاقي رَهينَةً
قَليلَ المَساكِ عِندَهُ غَيرَ مُفتَدي

29. Calling his companions with a surer, bolder cry
Than the one they did not hear then.

٢٩. فَأَسمَعَ أولى الدَعوَتَينِ صِحابَهُ
وَكانَ الَّتي لا يَسمَعونَ لَها قَدِ

30. "With more truthful, on the day of help and salvation,
When the valiant weaken in every arena

٣٠. بِأَصدَقَ بَأساً مِنكَ يَوماً وَنَجدَةً
إِذا خامَتِ الأَبطالُ في كُلِّ مَشهَدِ

31. No canal flowing to Sa'naba's meadows
Has an easy course to every watering-place,

٣١. وَما فَلَجٌ يَسقي جَداوِلَ صَعنَبى
لَهُ شَرَعٌ سَهلٌ عَلى كُلِّ مَورِدِ

32. Nor does Nabit al-Zurq water its dwellings
From channels watered by the coming rivers.

٣٢. وَيُروي النَبيطُ الزُرقُ مِن حَجَراتِهِ
دِياراً تُرَوّى بِالأَتِيِّ المُعَمَّدِ

33. It attains its goal more generously, though some
Deem enough the name of promised gift.

٣٣. بِأَجوَدَ مِنهُ نائِلاً إِنَّ بَعضَهُم
كَفى ما لَهُ بِاِسمِ العَطاءِ المُوَعَّدِ

34. You see the black and the roan like the mighty and the brave,
Bestowed from Tarif, purebred and pedigreed."

٣٤. تَرى الأُدمَ كَالجَبّارِ وَالجُردَ كَالقَنا
مُوَهَّبَةً مِن طارِفٍ وَمُتَلَّدِ

35. Do not reckon me thankless for a favor to me -
My witness is God's witness - so bear witness!

٣٥. فَلا تَحسَبَنّي كافِراً لَكَ نِعمَةً
عَلَيَّ شَهيدٌ شاهِدُ اللَهِ فَاِشهَدِ

36. But he whose eyes cannot discern the ground before him
When lit by companions does not stand alone.

٣٦. وَلَكِنَّ مَن لا يُبصِرُ الأَرضَ طَرفُهُ
مَتى ما يُشِعهُ الصَحبُ لا يَتَوَحَّدِ