
O you who prays at dawn persistently

هل أنت يا مصلات مب

1. O you who prays at dawn persistently
Will you tomorrow morn be climbing hills?

١. هَل أَنتَ يا مِصلاتُ مُب
تَكِرٌ غَداةَ غَدٍ فَزاحِل

2. We live under a youthful king
Who never fails to perform supererogations

٢. إِنّا لَدى مَلِكٍ بِشَب
وَةَ ما تَغِبَّ لَهُ النَوافِل

3. With hands like the full moon
A speaker and a doer so influential

٣. مُتَحَلِّبِ الكَفَّينِ مِث
لِ البَدرِ قَوّالٍ وَفاعِل

4. The giver of hundreds in charity
O you amid successive mountains and defiles

٤. الواهِبِ المِئَةَ الصَفا
يا بَينَ تالِيَةٍ وَحائِل

5. And indeed I have drunk wine that leaves
The Turks staggering around us, and the cables

٥. وَلَقَد شَرِبتُ الخَمرَ تَر
كُضُ حَولَنا تُركٌ وَكابُل

6. Like the blood of a slaughtered victim unlawfully
Of what the people of Babylon emancipate

٦. كَدَمِ الذَبيحِ غَريبَةً
مِمّا يُعَتِّقُ أَهلُ بابِل

7. I enjoyed it around those accustomed
To eating the firstborn of the tribe of Wail

٧. باكَرتُها حَولي ذَوُو ال
آكالِ مِن بَكرِ بنِ وائِل

8. The people of the red tents
Of bliss, sweetmeats, and arsenals

٨. أَهلُ القِبابِ الحُمرِ وَال
نَعَمِ المُؤَبَّلِ وَالقَنابِل

9. How many smooth-cheeked ones among them
And clenchers of the breasts of the mares

٩. كَم فيهِمُ مِن شَطبَةٍ
وَمُقَلِّصٍ نَهدِ المَراكِل

10. Stout-armed swimmers
Bare, their coats tied with leashes

١٠. ضَخمِ الجُزارَةِ سابِحٍ
عَبلٍ يُضَمَّرُ بِالأَصائِل

11. Disheveled, their hair rivaling
The flowing plumage of ostriches

١١. وَهُمُ عَلى جُردٍ مَغا
ويرٍ عَلَيهِنَّ الرَحائِل

12. They come out through the thickets
Frowning, joined by nights-long shadows

١٢. شُعثٍ يُبارينَ الأَسِن
تَه كَالنَعاماتِ الجَوافِل

13. How many torn garments have they left
Among ragged cloaks and mantles

١٣. يَخرُجنَ مِن خَلَلِ الغُبا
رِ عَوابِساً لُحُقَ الأَياطِل

14. Like birds I strike them down
At night, turning away the assemblies

١٤. كَم قَد تَرَكنَ مُجَدَّلاً
مِن بَينِ مُنقَصِفٍ وَجافِل

15. As if, after perfection
It is stained red, rational, mature

١٥. زَيّافَةٌ أَرمي بِها
بِاللَيلِ مَعرِضَةَ المَحافِل

16. Spreading from it a meadow
Which heavy dew has struck

١٦. وَكَأَنَّها بَعدَ الكَلا
لِ مُكَدَّمٌ مِن حُمرِ عاقِل

17. Nay, many a star of ill fortune
Does a smooth-skinned king tumble into

١٧. مُتَرَبِّعٌ مِنها رِيا
ضاً صابَها وَدقُ الهَواطِل

18. I left him sprawled
In the dust, ripped by the claws

١٨. بَل رُبَّ مَجرٍ جَحفَلٍ
يَهوي بِهِ مَلِكٌ حُلاحِل

19. And indeed he tries to stand
But strength has already deserted him

١٩. غادَرتُهُ مُتَجَدِّلاً
بِالقاعِ تَنهَسُهُ الفَراعِل

٢٠. وَلَقَد يُحاوِلُ أَن يَقو
مَ وَقَد مَضَت فيهِ النَواهِل