1. Aqiys, the son of Mas'ud, the son of Qays, the son of Khalid,
While you are a man who hopes for the prime of his youth to endure,
١. أَقَيسَ بنَ مَسعودِ بنِ قَيسِ بنِ خالِدٍ
وَأَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ تَرجو شَبابَكَ وائِلُ
2. In one year, two raids and a migration!
Oh, would that Qays had drowned at the hands of the executioners,
٢. أَطَورَينِ في عامٍ غَزاةٌ وَرِحلَةٌ
أَلا لَيتَ قَيساً غَرَّقَتهُ القَوابِلُ
3. And would that the sea had stood between you, all of it,
And you were flotsam, borne on its currents,
٣. وَلَيتَكَ حالَ البَحرُ دونَكَ كُلُّهُ
وَكُنتَ لَقىً تَجري عَلَيهِ السَوائِلُ
4. As if you had never witnessed the sacrificial offerings of Jammal,
Wild beasts savaging them, and noble camels,
٤. كَأَنَّكَ لَم تَشهَد قَرابينَ جَمَّةً
تَعيثُ ضِباعٌ فيهِمُ وَعَواسِلُ
5. You left them lying dead at every watering place,
And went to seek reconciliation while your mother mourned.
٥. تَرَكتَهُمُ صَرعى لَدى كُلِّ مَنهَلٍ
وَأَقبَلتَ تَبغي الصُلحَ أُمُّكَ هابِلُ
6. As if your tents had not removed from Mount Marar,
On news that the cavalry of Al-Shafi was pursuing you,
٦. أَمِن جَبَلِ الأَمرارِ صُرَّت خِيامُكُم
عَلى نَبَإٍ أَنَّ الأَشافِيَّ سائِلُ
7. We scorn that your cooking-pots should go cold
When the cooking-stands are bent over them.
٧. فَهانَ عَلَينا أَن تَجِفَّ وِطابُكُم
إِذا حُنِيَت فيها لَدَيكَ الزَواجِلُ
8. Indeed there were in Shi'bān, had you been content,
Tent soaring aloft with fine garments and clear wineskins within,
٨. لَقَد كانَ في شَيبانَ لَو كُنتَ راضِياً
قِبابٌ وَحَيٌّ حِلَّةٍ وَقَنابِلُ
9. And smooth-cheeked gazelles to dazzle the eyes, haughty,
And, around their flanks, does who have shed their coats.
٩. وَرَجراجَةٌ تُعشي النَواظِرَ فَخمَةٌ
وَجُردٌ عَلى أَكنافِهِنَّ الرَواحِلُ
10. You abandoned them in ignorance though you were their chieftain,
So let no report of what you do reach me.
١٠. تَرَكتَهُمُ جَهلاً وَكُنتَ عَميدَهُم
فَلا يَبلُغَنّي عَنكَ ما أَنتَ فاعِلُ
11. You stripped yourself of wealth and possessions you had gathered
As you were stripped of what delights the amorous.
١١. وَعُرّيتَ مِن وَفرٍ وَمالٍ جَمَعتَهُ
كَما عُرِّيَت مِمّا تُسِرُّ المَغازِلُ
12. It was balm to the soul to kill those whose cheeks
Were not pillowed, whose ankles were not bitten by sandals.
١٢. شَفى النَفسَ قَتلى لَم تُوَسَّد خُدودُها
وِساداً وَلَم تُعضَض عَلَيها الأَنامِلُ
13. On that day of sorrow, when at dawn they surprised them,
Squadrons of death they could not escape.
١٣. بِعَينَيكَ يَومَ الحِنوِ إِذ صَبَّحَتهُمُ
كَتائِبُ مَوتٍ لَم تَعُقها العَواذِلُ