1. Alas, O murder, the new has been created,
And your love does not fade or pass away.
١. أَلا يا قَتلُ قَد خَلُقَ الجَديدُ
وَحُبُّكِ ما يَمُحُّ وَما يَبيدا
2. And it has hunted your heart when it shot it,
As if a hunter hunts the prey.
٢. وَقَد صادَت فُؤادَكَ إِذ رَمَتهُ
فَلَو أَنَّ اِمرَأً دَنِفاً يَصيدُ
3. But it does not hunt when it shoots it,
Nor does a singer hunt the melody.
٣. وَلَكِن لا يَصيدُ إِذا رَماها
وَلا تَصطادُ غانِيَةٌ كَنودُ
4. A lover's attachment and longing's agony,
And no happy man has bound you two.
٤. عَلاقَةَ عاشِقٍ وَمِطالَ شَوقٍ
وَلَم يَعلَقكُمُ رَجُلٌ سَعيدُ
5. Don't you spare your shyness or refrain
Your weeping like a newborn cries?
٥. أَلا تَقنى حَياءَكَ أَو تَناهى
بُكاءَكَ مِثلَ ما يَبكي الوَليدُ
6. I saw people whose fire for you I did not shut my eyes,
Our drink being pokeberries and jujubes.
٦. أَرَيتُ القَومَ نارِكَ لَم أُغَمِّض
بِواقِصَةٍ وَمَشرَبُنا زَرودُ
7. But I did not see fire kindled like it, except
For which glance did the fuel bloom?
٧. فَلَم أَرَ مِثلَ مَوقِدِها وَلَكِن
لِأَيَّةِ نَظرَةٍ زَهَرَ الوَقودُ
8. It lit up the whites of the eyes of a child
Heaped up in his unique wrappings.
٨. أَضاءَت أَحوَرَ العَينَينِ طَفلاً
يُكَدَّسُ في تَرائِبِهِ الفَريدُ
9. With a face like dawn and intoxicated,
On the likes of rose and narcissus.
٩. وَوَجهاً كَالفِتاقِ وَمُسبَكِرّاً
عَلى مِثلِ اللُجَينِ وَهُنَّ سودُ
10. Smiling from a shy, charming mouth,
When given a kiss, asks for more.
١٠. وَتَبسِمُ عَن مَهاً شَبِمٍ غَرِيٍّ
إِذا يُعطى المُقَبِّلَ يَستَزيدُ
11. As if its starts were tied to a rock
And stars that revolve and wander.
١١. كَأَنَّ نُجومَها رُبِطَت بِصَخرٍ
وَأَمراسٍ تَدورُ وَتَستَريدُ
12. If I said the time for its setting has come,
The Pleiades and Suhayl ascended.
١٢. إِذا ما قُلتُ حانَ لَها أُفولٌ
تَصَعَّدَتِ الثُرَيّا وَالسُعودُ
13. So whichever declining beauties there were,
The fire was extinguished and the pillar collapsed.
١٣. فَلَأياً ما أَفَلنَ مُخَوِّياتٍ
خُمودَ النارِ وَاِرفَضَّ العَمودُ
14. Look, there are gazelles early in the morning,
On them are sagacity and bounty.
١٤. أَصاحِ تَرى ظَعائِنَ باكِراتٍ
عَلَيها العَبقَرِيَّةُ وَالنُجودُ
15. As if musk deer and wild cows fleeting
Wearing bracelets and ice on them.
١٥. كَأَنَّ ظِباءَ وَجرَةَ مُشرِفاتٍ
عَلَيهِنَّ المَجاسِدُ وَالبُرودُ
16. When those hips quivered
And you with them one morning conferring.
١٦. عَلى تِلكَ الحُدوجِ إِذِ اِحزَأَلَّت
وَأَنتَ بِهِم غَداةَ إِذٍ مَجودُ
17. So it is a coquetry that will return embers
And a pillar whose inclination you do not want.
١٧. فَيا لَدَنِيَّةٍ سَتَعودُ شَزراً
وَعَمداً دارَ غَيرِكِ ما تُريدُ
18. You were not deterred from coming to a people
Who are enemies and livers are black.
١٨. فَما أُجشِمتِ مِن إِتيانِ قَومٍ
هُمُ الأَعداءُ وَالأَكبادُ سودُ
19. So if you leave me, find me a replacement,
A man who gives plenty and profits.
١٩. فَإِذ فارَقتِني فَاِستَبدِليني
فَتىً يُعطي الجَزيلَ وَيَستَفيدُ
20. The likes of you I have sported with
And lands whose glory no noble leads.
٢٠. فَمِثلِكِ قَد لَهَوتُ بِها وَأَرضٍ
مَهامِهَ لا يَقودُ بِها المُجيدُ
21. My companion and I took a break at Mayyun
Like a roaring lion, a long poem.
٢١. قَطَعتُ وَصاحِبَي سُرُحٌ كِنازٌ
كَرُكنِ الرَعنِ ذِعلِبَةٌ قَصيدُ
22. As if the hated camel saddle of it
Is the ravaged saddle or a lord bound.
٢٢. كَأَنَّ المُكرَهَ المَعبوطَ مِنها
مَدوفُ الوَرسِ أَو رُبٌّ عَقيدُ
23. As if its saddles are of young she-camels
Sought by one with amazing separation.
٢٣. كَأَنَّ قُتودَها بِعُنَيبِساتٍ
تَعَطَّفَهُنَّ ذو جُدَدٍ فَريدِ
24. He lodged at Remlah of Al-Baqqar one day
And there the frost struck him at night.
٢٤. تَضَيَّفَ رَملَةَ البَقّارِ يَوماً
فَباتَ بِتِلكَ يَضرِبُهُ الجَليدُ
25. It folds over him when the water flows off him
The tree branches and the hanging monkey-bread.
٢٥. يُكِبُّ إِذا أَجالَ الماءَ عَنهُ
غُصونُ الفَرعِ وَالسَدَلُ القَريدُ
26. So he shakes off the flooding from him in the morning
And ties his belly tight, iron bands.
٢٦. فَأَصبَحَ يَنفُضُ الغَمَراتِ عَنهُ
وَيَربِطُ جَأشَهُ سَلِبٌ حَديدُ
27. With belts like seashells drawn
With which battle is repelled and fended off.
٢٧. وَرُحٌّ كَالمُحارِ مُوَتَّداتٌ
بِها يَنضو الوَغى وَبِهِ يَذودُ
28. Or is it the belly wrap a coarse garment
Obeyed by ostriches and hedgehogs?
٢٨. أَذَلِكَ أَم خَميصُ البَطنِ جَأبٌ
أَطاعَ لَهُ النَواصِفُ وَالكَديدُ
29. Turning blades in it with refusal
Expecting that which comes to destroy.
٢٩. يُقَلِّبُ سَمحَجاً فيها إِباءٌ
عَلى أَن سَوفَ تَأتي ما يَكيدُ
30. Of it remained the summer, and it became ramshackle
And much remembering and sitting increased.
٣٠. بَقى عَنها المَصيفَ وَصارَ صَعلاً
وَقَد كَثُرَ التَذَكُّرُ وَالقُعودُ
31. When he tosses back and hits his nostrils
And his forehead, as the boulder is hit.
٣١. إِذا ما رَدَّ تَضرِبُ مَنخَرَيهِ
وَجَبهَتَهُ كَما ضُرِبَ العَضيدُ
32. That is when the old camels refused to welcome
The brush of worries and the confused mingled.
٣٢. فَتِلكَ إِذا الحُجوزُ أَبى عَلَيهِ
عِطافَ الهَمِّ وَاِختَلَطَ المَريدُ
33. So if you asked the slain about us
When the cheeks forgot the troublemakers.
٣٣. فَإِنَّكَ لَو سَأَلتِ قُتَيلَ عَنّا
إِذا صَفَحَت عَنِ العاني الخُدودُ
34. Berating him as old age changed him
And healed his heart, severe pain.
٣٤. تَنيهِ وَقَد أَحالَ القِدُّ فيهِ
وَشَفَّ فُؤادَهُ وَجَعٌ شَديدُ
35. He who joined us from us saved him
While we were the delegation when roads were blocked.
٣٥. فَخَلَّصَهُ الَّذي وافاهُ مِنّا
وَكُنّا الوَفدَ إِذ حُبِسَ الوُفودُ
36. We did not ask thanks of him, but rather
Entrust the praise of that to the Intender.
٣٦. فَلَم نَطلُب لَهُ شُكراً وَلَكِن
نُوَلّي حَمدَ ذَلِكَ مَن يُريدُ
37. And people whose tusks are turned against us
Then deterrence did not bar the threat.
٣٧. وَقَومٍ تَصرِفُ الأَنيابُ مِنهُم
عَلَينا ثُمَّ لَم يَصِدِ الوَعيدُ
38. They sought us out so we sought what they had
And they almost destroyed us with their stupidity.
٣٨. بَعَونا فَاِلتَمَسنا ما لَدَيهِم
وَكادونا بِكَبشِهِمُ فَكيدوا