1. By my life! If he survives from the living tribe
He has certainly gained something special from a special woman
١. لَعَمري لَئِن أَمسى مِنَ الحَيِّ شاخِصا
لَقَد نالَ خَيصاً مِن عُفَيرَةَ خائِصا
2. If she is stripped naked one day, you would think
Her chemise and cloak illuminate with shining stars
٢. إِذا جُرِّدَت يَوماً حَسِبتَ خَميصَةً
عَلَيها وَجِريالاً يُضيءُ دُلامِصا
3. An old man enjoyed her intimately at night, so she became
A Kudha'i woman, coming to soothsayers as a sign
٣. تَقَمَّرَها شَيخٌ عِشاءً فَأَصبَحَت
قُضاعِيَةً تَأتي الكَواهِنَ ناشِصا
4. So I targeted her with my arrows, and before her
I used to target the likes of her among the women of the living tribe
٤. فَأَقصَدَها سَهمي وَقَد كانَ قَبلَها
لِأَمثالِها مِن نِسوَةِ الحَيِّ قارِصا
5. The threat of Al-Huwais came to me from the family of Ja'far
So O slave of ‘Amr, if only you would forbid those who threaten harm
٥. أَتاني وَعيدُ الحوصِ مِن آلِ جَعفَرٍ
فَيا عَبدَ عَمرٍ لَو نَهيتَ الأَحاوِصا
6. So I said, while I did not refrain from insulting Bakr ibn Wail:
When was I ever a sprouting weed among withered trees?
٦. فَقُلتُ وَلَم أَملِك أَبَكرَ بنَ وائِلٍ
مَتى كُنتُ فَقعاً نابِتاً بِقَصائِصا
7. Bakr and those who sought her have filled her
With weeping, so the cisterns and courtyards overflow with tears
٧. وَقَد مَلَأَت بَكرٌ وَمَن لَفَّ لَفَّها
نُباكاً فَأَحواضَ الرَجا فَالنَواعِصا
8. O ‘Alqamah, you have judged me so you found me
Knowledgeable regarding governance, though deficient
٨. أَعَلقَمُ قَد حَكَّمتَني فَوَجَدتَني
بِكُم عالِماً عَلى الحُكومَةِ غائِصا
9. No, both your fathers were branches supporting a tree
But they increased while you became diminished
٩. كِلا أَبَوَيكُم كانَ فَرعاً دِعامَةً
وَلَكِنَّهُم زادوا وَأَصبَحتَ ناقِصا
10. They are well-fed enemies while you
Eat crumbs of dried dates and leftovers
١٠. هُمُ الطَرَفُ الناكو العَدُوِّ وَأَنتُم
بِقُصوى ثِلاثٍ تَأكُلونَ الوَقائِصا
11. You sleep satiated while your neighbors
Go hungry, spending the night famished
١١. تَبيتونَ في المَشتى مِلاءً بُطونُكُم
وَجاراتُكُم جَوعى يَبِتنَ خَمائِصا
12. Out of hunger's desperation, they observe
The dark, clustered stars of the gloomy sky
١٢. يُراقِبنَ مِن جوعٍ خِلالَ مَخافَةٍ
نُجومَ السَماءِ العاتِماتِ الغَوامِصا
13. Do you threaten me that the sea of your cousin's son will surge
While your sea is calm, not stirring the pillars?
١٣. أَتوعِدُني أَن جاشَ بَحرُ اِبنِ عَمِّكُم
وَبَحرُكَ ساجٍ لا يُواري الدَعامِصا
14. If you were date palms, you would be pollinated female trees
If you were arrows, you would be blunted
١٤. فَلَو كُنتُمُ نَخلاً لَكُنتُم جُرامَةً
وَلَو كُنتُمُ نَبلاً لَكُنتُم مَعاقِصا
15. He discarded you among the lowest of them and
Preferred other tribes over you, though defective
١٥. رَمى بِكَ في أُخراهُمُ تَركُكَ العُلى
وَفَضَّلَ أَقواماً عَلَيكَ مَراهِصا
16. So restrain your burning anger if you are discontent
And the rocks pelted by rabid dogs
١٦. فَغَضَّ جَديدَ الأَرضِ إِن كُنتَ ساخِطاً
بِفيكَ وَأَحجارَ الكُلابِ الرَواهِصا
17. If you threaten me, I will reciprocate alike
And I will increase the remaining severe rhymes
١٧. فَإِن تَتَّعِدني أَتَعِدكَ بِمِثلِها
وَسَوفَ أَزيدُ الباقِياتِ القَوارِصا
18. Rhymes into proverbs that will expand his skin
As you have expanded the width of your too-large shirt
١٨. قَوافِيَ أَمثالاً يُوَسِّعنَ جِلدَهُ
كَما زِدتَ في عَرضِ القَميصِ الدَخارِصا
19. Our two elders, when they met as enemies
Would pelt one another with virtuosic compositions
١٩. وَقَد كانَ شَيخانا إِذا ما تَلاقَيا
عَدُوَّينِ شَتّى يَرمِيانِ الفَرائِصا
20. No affection remains between us
The camel litters of protracted hostilities are torn
٢٠. وَما خِلتُ أَبقى بَينَنا مِن مَوَدَّةٍ
عِراضُ المَذاكي المُسنِفاتِ القَلائِصا
21. Are you anything but slaves, though you are counted
Among the sincere friends, slyly wriggling away?
٢١. فَهَل أَنتُمُ إِلّا عَبيداً وَإِنَّما
تُعَدّونَ خوصاً في الصَديقِ لَوامِصا
22. Your evasion from your rights is futile
I have not evaded at all for a moment
٢٢. تَخامُصُكُم عَن حَقِّكُم غَيرُ طائِلٍ
عَلى ساعَةٍ ما خِلتُ فيها تَخامُصا
23. If my people meet your people, you will see
Fighting between them, broken spears and bloodshed
٢٣. فَإِن يَلقَ قَومي قَومَهُ تَرَ بَينَهُم
قِتالاً وَأَكسارَ القَنا وَمَداعِصا
24. Do you not see that the pleased land
Has become palms and crops, sprouting and growing
٢٤. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ العَرضَ أَصبَحَ بَطنُها
نَخيلاً وَزَرعاً نابِتاً وَفَصافِصا
25. With lofty stalks, beneath which birds cannot reach?
You see doves nestled among the leaves
٢٥. وَذا شُرُفاتٍ يُقصِرُ الطَيرُ دونَهُ
تَرى لِلحَمامِ الوُرقِ فيهِ قَرامِصا