
Leave me be, woes come to me, seeking pleasure,

ذريني لك الويلات آتي الغوانيا

1. Leave me be, woes come to me, seeking pleasure,
When was I an arm, driving pleasure?

١. ذَريني لَكِ الوَيلاتُ آتي الغَوانِيا
مَتى كُنتُ ذَرّاعاً أَسوقُ السَوانِيا

2. You wish for wealth from a politician like him,
And before that you were not hoping for money,

٢. تُرَجّي ثَراءً مِن سِياسٍ وَمِثلِها
وَمِن قَبلِها ما كُنتَ لِلمالِ راجِيا

3. I will advise an insight, if old age draws near,
And every person one day will end up transient,

٣. سَأوصي بَصيراً إِن دَنَوتُ مِنَ البِلى
وَكُلُّ اِمرِئٍ يَوماً سَيُصبِحُ فانِيا

4. That you do not hesitate to love someone distant,
Nor refuse if he ends up being near you and content,

٤. بِأَن لا تَأَنَّ الوُدَّ مِن مُتَباعِدٍ
وَلا تَنأَ إِن أَمسى بِقُربِكَ راضِيا

5. So this hatred, shun it, and this love, reward it,
Above his love, or increase upon it openly,

٥. فَذا الشَنءِ فَاِشنَأهُ وَذا الوُدِّ فَاِجزِهِ
عَلى وُدِّهِ أَو زِد عَلَيهِ العَلانِيا

6. And look after the well-being of the living, wherever you find them,
And do not refrain from bearing sociability,

٦. وَآسِ سَراةَ الحَيِّ حَيثُ لَقيتَهُم
وَلا تَكُ عَن حَملِ الرِباعَةِ وانِيا

7. And if one day a person scowls at you,
Then leave him be, even if he is close,

٧. وَإِن بَشَرٌ يَوماً أَحالَ بِوَجهِهِ
عَلَيكَ فَحُل عَنهُ وَإِن كانَ دانِيا

8. And truly, being mindful of the Merciful, nothing compares,
So have patience, if you face crushing adversity,

٨. وَإِنَّ تُقى الرَحمَنِ لا شَيءَ مِثلُهُ
فَصَبراً إِذا تَلقى السِحاقَ الغَراثِيا

9. And do not associate with your Lord, associating with Him,
Diminishes those good deeds, whatever remains,

٩. وَرَبَّكَ لا تُشرِك بِهِ إِنَّ شِركَهُ
يَحُطُّ مِنَ الخَيراتِ تِلكَ البَواقِيا

10. Rather, worship Allah alone, no partner to His essence,
He will be with you in what you toil for today,

١٠. بَلِ اللَهَ فَاِعبُد لا شَريكَ لِوَجهِهِ
يَكُن لَكَ فيما تَكدَحُ اليَومَ راعِيا

11. And beware of dead things, do not go near them,
The word of Allah forbidding that is sufficient,

١١. وَإِيّاكَ وَالمَيتاتِ لا تَقرَبَنَّها
كَفى بِكَلامِ اللَهِ عَن ذاكَ ناهِيا

12. And do not make promises to people you will not fulfil,
Nor insult a kind, pure neighbor,

١٢. وَلا تَعِدَنَّ الناسَ ما لَستَ مُنجِزاً
وَلا تَشتِمَن جاراً لَطيفاً مُصافِيا

13. And do not abandon connecting with your relatives,
Nor be predatory among the clan, attacking,

١٣. وَلا تَزهَدَن في وَصلِ أَهلِ قَرابَةٍ
وَلا تَكُ سَبعاً في العَشيرَةِ عادِيا

14. And if a person entrusts you with a trust,
Then fulfil it if you die, you will be called loyal,

١٤. وَإِنَّ اِمرُؤٌ أَسدى إِلَيكَ أَمانَةً
فَأَوفِ بِها إِن مِتَّ سُمّيتَ وافِيا

15. And do not deny the secrets of your neighbor,
You cannot hide anything from Allah in secret,

١٥. وَجارَةَ جَنبِ البَيتِ لا تَنعَ سِرَّها
فَإِنَّكَ لا تَخفى عَلى اللَهِ خافِيا

16. And do not envy your master if he has wealth,
Nor deprive him if you have become self-sufficient,

١٦. وَلا تَحسُدَن مَولاكَ إِن كانَ ذا غِنىً
وَلا تَجفُهُ إِن كُنتَ في المالِ غانِيا

17. And do not let down the people if an afflicted one seeks refuge,
You will never lack a path to glory if you call,

١٧. وَلا تَخذُلَنَّ القَومَ إِن نابَ مُغرَمٌ
فَإِنَّكَ لا تَعدَم إِلى المَجدِ داعِيا

18. And be an impenetrable fortress behind the neighbor,
And ignite a blaze that elevates the face, protective,

١٨. وَكُن مِن وَراءِ الجارِ حِصناً مُمَنَّعاً
وَأَوقِد شِهاباً يَسفَعُ الوَجهَ حامِيا