
Have you intended to innovate from the family of Layla during the night

أأزمعت من آل ليلى ابتكارا

1. Have you intended to innovate from the family of Layla during the night
And have you loosened the noose over one who loves to annoy

١. أَأَزمَعتَ مِن آلِ لَيلى اِبتِكارا
وَشَطَّت عَلى ذي هَوىً أَن تُزارا

2. And the hidden thoughts of an uneasy heart appeared through her
And for her I changed longing and recollection

٢. وَبانَت بِها غَرَباتُ النَوى
وَبُدِّلتُ شَوقاً بِها وَاِدِّكارا

3. So my tears overflowed as torrents of love
Either here or there, downwards

٣. فَفاضَت دُموعي كَفَيضِ الغُرو
بِ إِمّا وَكَيفاً وَإِمّا اِنحِدارا

4. As the necklace freely gave away
Its descending small pearls

٤. كَما أَسلَمَ السِلكُ مِن نَظمِهِ
لَآلِئَ مُنحَدِراتٍ صِغارا

5. I scolded the youth a little
And my grief returned to me and became constant

٥. قَليلاً فَثَمَّ زَجَرتُ الصِبى
وَعادَ عَلَيَّ عَزائي وَصارا

6. So in the morning I was not able
To forbid the singer from my love and repel him

٦. فَأَصبَحتُ لا أَقرَبُ الغانِيا
تِ مُزدَجِراً عَن هَوايَ اِزدِجارا

7. And your brother whom you know
When our nights dissolve obscurity

٧. وَإِنَّ أَخاكِ الَّذي تَعلَمينَ
لَيالِيَنا إِذ نَحُلُّ الجِفارا

8. After youth has changed to wisdom
And old age made him satisfied with the veil

٨. تَبَدَّلَ بَعدَ الصِبى حِكمَةً
وَقَنَّعَهُ الشَيبُ مِنهُ خِمارا

9. Old age burdened him with its weights
And it did not blame him except for embarrassment

٩. أَحَلَّ بِهِ الشَيبُ أَثقالَهُ
وَما اِعتَرَّهُ الشَيبُ إِلّا اِعتِرارا

10. So you may see me sometimes on a musical instrument
Having lost my youth and neglected commercialism

١٠. فَإِمّا تَرَيني عَلى آلَةٍ
قَلَيتُ الصَبى وَهَجَرتُ التِجارا

11. I let out the hidden singer from her tent
And circulate the wine

١١. فَقَد أُخرِجُ الكاعِبَ المُستَرا
ةَ مِن خِدرِها وَأَشيعُ القِمارا

12. And the owner of a gurgling voice like that of partridges
Whose early song I innovated

١٢. وَذاتِ نَوافٍ كَلَونِ الفُصو
صِ باكَرتُها فَاِدَّمَجتُ اِبتِكارا

13. I went to her before dawn
Either saying or desiring

١٣. غَدَوتُ عَلَيها قُبَيلَ الشُرو
قِ إِمّا نِقالاً وَإِمّا اِغتِمارا

14. The playing of hands awakens the sleepy one
And loosens the cloak

١٤. يُعاصي العَواذِلَ طَلقُ اليَدَينِ
يُرَوّي العُفاةَ وَيُرخي الإِزارا

15. Before the rooster crowed I filled its cup for it
Then it went around

١٥. فَلَم يَنطِقِ الديكُ حَتّى مَلَأ
تُ كوبَ الرَبابِ لَهُ فَاِستَدارا

16. When the bright flowers falls among the drinkers
They toss it around, fresh or withered

١٦. إِذا اِنكَبَّ أَزهَرُ بَينَ السُقاةِ
تَرامَوا بِهِ غَرَباً أَو نُضارا

17. And I forgot the passion of an amorously inclined one
Through a flirtatious one who mocks the veils

١٧. وَشَوقِ عَلوقٍ تَناسَيتُهُ
بِجَوّالَةٍ تَستَخِفُّ الضِفارا

18. Five remaining eggs resemble
Falcons, he imprisoned them with a strap

١٨. بَقِيَّةِ خَمسٍ مِنَ الرامِسا
تِ بيضٍ تُشَبِّهُهُنَّ الصِوارا

19. Then they returned to them and were secretive with them
And cooperated in work and partnership

١٩. دُفِعنَ إِلى اِثنَينِ عِندَ الخُصو
صِ قَد حَبَسا بَينَهُنَّ الإِصارا

20. This one prepares a nest for them
And that one gathers green plants between them

٢٠. فَعادا لَهُنَّ وَرازا لَهُن
نَ وَاِشتَرَكا عَمَلاً وَاِئتِمارا

21. It was their secrecy that pleases the eyes
And fulfils journeys

٢١. فَهَذا يُعِدُّ لَهُنَّ الخَلى
وَيَجمَعُ ذا بَينَهُنَّ الخِضارا

22. Yet my soul and my daybreak wandering remained
Among those with short shoes

٢٢. فَكانَت سَرِيَّتَهُنَّ الَّتي
تَروقُ العُيونَ وَتَقضي السِفارا

23. And panels of confusion as if
The chisel had composed poems on the inkstand

٢٣. فَأَبقى رَواحي وَسَيرُ الغُدو
وِ مِنها ذَواتِ حِذاءٍ قِصارا

24. And an opinion that disputes with the vertebrae
Whose joints the flood did not wash away

٢٤. وَأَلواحَ رَهبٍ كَأَنَّ النُسو
عَ أَبَنَّ في الدَفِّ مِنها سِطارا

25. So do not complain to me of desolation
And long journeys, and make it your patience

٢٥. وَدَأياً تَلاحَكنَ مِثلَ الفُؤو
سِ لاحَمَ مِنها السَليلُ الفِقارا

26. The soul wanders at dusk and dawn
Till you meet the good ones

٢٦. فَلا تَشتَكِنَّ إِلَيَّ الوَجى
وَطولَ السُرى وَاِجعَليهِ اِصطِبارا

27. You will meet Qais and his supporters
Who ignite the flames of war, flames upon flames

٢٧. رَواحَ العَشِيِّ وَسَيرَ الغُدوِّ
يَدَ الدَهرِ حَتّى تُلاقي الخِيارا

28. I say to her when the journey was difficult
You left a Lord and you left a neighbour

٢٨. تُلاقينَ قَيساً وَأَشياعَهُ
يُسَعِّرُ لِلحَربِ ناراً فَنارا

29. So who can convey (the message) to our people Malik
I mean by that Bakr the brave

٢٩. أَقولُ لَها حينَ جَدَّ الرَحي
لُ أَبرَحتِ رَبّاً وَأَبرَحتِ جارا

30. With you is your Lord so ally with Him
When an authority suppresses a people, suppressing

٣٠. فَمَن مُبلِغٌ قَومَنا مالِكاً
وَأَعني بِذَلِكَ بَكراً جَمارا

31. God has granted you grace through it
When people share a great matter among themselves

٣١. فَدونَكُمُ رَبَّكُم حالِفوهُ
إِذا ظاهَرَ المُلكُ قَوماً ظِهارا

32. Through it you have honour
And He centred His kingdom among you and consulted

٣٢. فَإِنَّ الإِلَهَ حَباكُم بِهِ
إِذا اِقتَسَمَ القَومُ أَمراً كُبارا

33. The one who is hoped for is His bounty
When we make a choice regarding it

٣٣. فَإِنَّ لَكُم قُربَهُ عِزَّةً
وَوَسَّطَكُم مُلكَهُ وَاِستَشارا

34. The brother of war when the resin sparked a flame
Pecking stars for the highest (point)

٣٤. فَإِنَّ الَّذي يُرتَجى سَيبُهُ
إِذا ما نَحُلُّ عَلَيهِ اِختِيارا

35. And replacing the fetters on a dusty day a bracelet
Thus you weakened a people and made them live long

٣٥. أَخو الحَربِ إِذ لَقِحَت بازِلاً
سَما لِلعُلى وَأَحَلَّ الجِمارا

36. And destroyed the homes of another people
God's grant, for God hears the hidden secrets

٣٦. وَساوَرَ بِالنَقعِ نَقعِ الكَثي
بِ عَبساً وَدودانَ يَوماً سِوارا

37. So He fulfils the concealed wishes
O maid of them who tightens

٣٧. فَأَقلَلتَ قَوماً وَأَعمَرتَهُم
وَأَخرَبتَ مِن أَرضِ قَومٍ دِيارا

38. The cloth on herself as a waist-wrapper
Who fastens the charm and refuses sleep

٣٨. عَطاءَ الإِلَهِ فَإِنَّ الإِلَ
هَ يَسمَعُ في الغامِضاتِ السِرارا

39. Except by day
You have possessed her and embraced her a night

٣٩. فَيا رُبَّ ناعِيَةٍ مِنهُمُ
تَشُدُّ اللِفاقَ عَلَيها إِزارا

40. When she leaned and called to the left
So do not think me for you a disbeliever

٤٠. تَنوطُ التَميمَ وَتَأبى الغَبو
قَ مِن سِنَةِ النَومِ إِلّا نَهارا

41. Nor think I want separation
For by your life if you do not come

٤١. مَلَكتَ فَعانَقتَها لَيلَةً
تَنُصُّ القُعودَ وَتَدعو يَسارا

42. The plow will be uneasy without waiting
Like an estranged camel amid the enclosures

٤٢. فَلا تَحسَبَنّي لَكُم كافِراً
وَلا تَحسَبَنّي أُريدُ الغِيارا

43. Fearing harm and wanting to join her clan
And a day when women's blood flows

٤٣. فَإِنّي وَجَدِّكَ لَولا تَجيءُ
لَقَد قَلِقَ الحُرثُ أَن لا اِنتِظارا

44. You made your gown in it a headcover
So what a night I had in Laila's

٤٤. كَطَوفِ الغَريبَةِ وَسطَ الحِياضِ
تَخافُ الرَدى وَتُريدُ الجِفارا

45. Like an estranged camel fearing capture
Then when the distant star came to us

٤٥. وَيَومٍ يُبيلُ النِساءَ الدِما
جَعَلتَ رِداءَكَ فيهِ خِمارا

46. We prostrated to it and raised buildings
That is the time for piety and purity

٤٦. فَيا لَيلَةً لِيَ في لَعلَعٍ
كَطَوفِ الغَريبِ يَخافُ الإِسارا

47. And that is a time of difficult rule
To a king, the best of its lords

٤٧. فَلَمّا أَتانا بُعَيدَ الكَرى
سَجَدنا لَهُ وَرَفَعنا عَمارا

48. And everything certainly has a time
To the bearer of burdens from his people

٤٨. فَذاكَ أَوانُ التُقى وَالزَكى
وَذاكَ أَوانٌ مِنَ المُلكِ حارا

49. When fate brings great sorrows
One whose neighbours are not startled

٤٩. إِلى مَلِكٍ خَيرِ أَربابِهِ
وَإِنَّ لِما كُلِّ شَيءٍ قَرارا

50. Whose tolerance is not seen to be borrowed
One whose promise is not lost

٥٠. إِلى حامِلِ الثِقلِ عَن أَهلِهِ
إِذا الدَهرُ ساقَ الهَناتِ الكِبارا

51. So he makes it between a bleary eye
Not a wind blew it from the south

٥١. وَمَن لا تُفَزَّعُ جاراتُهُ
وَمَن لا يُرى حِلمُهُ مُستَعارا

52. Watering the crops and raising the homes
Tipping the ships to their sides

٥٢. وَمَن لا تُضاعُ لَهُ ذِمَّةٌ
فَيَجعَلَها بَينَ عَينٍ ضِمارا

53. And felling logs and large trees
When its captain fears the wave

٥٣. وَما رائِحٌ رَوَّحَتهُ الجَنوبُ
يُرَوّي الزُروعَ وَيَعلو الدِيارا

54. Lowering fortresses and loosening restraints
With better than it with the redness of pores

٥٤. يَكُبُّ السَفينَ لِأَذقانِهِ
وَيَصرَعُ بِالعِبرِ أَثلاً وَزارا

55. The tattoo was dyed with them with redness
He is the Giver of the chosen hundred

٥٥. إِذا رَهِبَ المَوجَ نُوتِيُّهُ
يَحُطُّ القِلاعَ وَيُرخي الزِيارَ

56. Either childbirth or a tithe
And each tall one as if the sword

٥٦. بِأَجوَدَ مِنهُ بِأُدمِ الرِكا
بِ لَطَّ العَلوقُ بِهِنَّ اِحمِرارا

57. When the leather hid the belts
With it the thousand were mixed when

٥٧. هُوَ الواهِبُ المِئَةَ المُصطَفا
ةَ إِمّا مِخاضاً وَإِمّا عِشارا

58. They were sent at the morning light when the resting place roared
And Ma'rib over a temple

٥٨. وَكُلَّ طَويلٍ كَأَنَّ السَلي
طَ في حَيثُ وارى الأَديمُ الشِعارا

59. He built and crucified therein and became enclosed
He rests from the prayers of the King

٥٩. بِهِ تُرعَفُ الأَلفُ إِذ أُرسِلَت
غَداةَ الصَباحِ إِذا النَقعُ ثارا

60. A period bowing and a period showing humility
With greater piety in reckoning

٦٠. وَما أَيبُلِيُّ عَلى هَيكَلٍ
بَناهُ وَصَلَّبَ فيهِ وَصارا

61. When the gusts shake the dust
Your flints are better than the flints of kings

٦١. يُراوِحُ مِن صَلَواتِ المَلي
كِ طَوراً سُجوداً وَطَوراً جُؤارا

62. Mixed with them is igniting white stone
So if they strike they will find with it

٦٢. بِأَعظَمَ مِنهُ تُقىً في الحِسابِ
إِذا النَسَماتُ نَفَضنَ الغُبارا

63. Their flints like unhewn pebbles
And if you threw at night attacking

٦٣. زِنادُكَ خَيرُ زِنادِ المُلو
كِ خالَطَ مِنهُنَّ مَرخٌ عَفارا

64. A pebble at a rock, you would kindle a fire
So I am not who I am or my pretentiousness

٦٤. فَإِن يَقدَحوا يَجِدوا عِندَها
زِنادَهُمُ كابِياتٍ قِصارا

65. After old age, that is sufficient disgrace
And poetry tied me in its house

٦٥. وَلَو رُمتَ في لَيلَةٍ قادِحاً
حَصاةً بِنَبعٍ الأورَيتَ نارا

66. As captives were tied the donkeys
When the ground hid your standards from you

٦٦. فَما أَنا أَم ما اِنتِحالي القَوَا
في بَعدَ المَشيبِ كَفى ذاكَ عارا

67. The lightening stopped striking them
With a greater one in piety at reckoning

٦٧. وَقَيَّدَني الشِعرُ في بَيتِهِ
كَما قَيَّدَ الآسِراتُ الحِمارا

68. When the light winds shook the dust
Your kindling is better than the kindling of kings

٦٨. إِذا الأَرضُ وارَتكَ أَعلامُها
فَكَفَّ الرَواعِدُ عَنها القِطارا