
Do you shun a singing girl or blame her?

أتهجر غانية أم تلم

1. Do you shun a singing girl or blame her?
Or has the rope of love for her unraveled?

١. أَتَهجُرُ غانِيَةً أَم تُلِم
أَمِ الحَبلُ واهٍ بِها مُنجَذِم

2. Or has patience proved better, for surely a man
Will benefit from his knowledge if he has knowledge,

٢. أَمِ الصَبرُ أَحجى فَإِنَّ اِمرَأً
سَيَنفَعُهُ عِلمُهُ إِن عَلِم

3. Just as a mature man whom you will find
Who has investigated then attained or walked ahead.

٣. كَما راشِدٍ تَجِدَنَّ اِمرَأً
تَبَيَّنَ ثُمَّ اِنتَهى أَو قَدِم

4. He disobeyed thesolicitous ones to his perdition
And suspected every sincere adviser to him.

٤. عَصى المُشفِقينَ إِلى غَيِّهِ
وَكُلَّ نَصيحٍ لَهُ يَتَّهِم

5. That was none but youthfulness
And the punishment of a sinful man.

٥. وَما كانَ ذَلِكَ إِلّا الصَبى
وَإِلّا عِقابَ اِمرِئٍ قَد أَثِم

6. And a glance of an eye at a simpleton
She who pitched her tent in the wilderness of Zum.

٦. وَنَظرَةَ عَينٍ عَلى غِرَّةٍ
مَحَلَّ الخَليطِ بِصَحراءِ زُم

7. And her smile apart from the dispersal of the people,
Without being chaste or broken up.

٧. وَمَبسِمَها عَن شَتيتِ النَبا
تِ غَيرِ أَكَسٍّ وَلا مُنقَضِم

8. So there appeared in my chest a split, for her
Like the split of a glass vessel not to be repaired.

٨. فَبانَت وَفي الصَدرِ صَدعٌ لَها
كَصَدعِ الزُجاجَةِ ما يَلتَإِم

9. How then were her suitors when she came
And the nearest place of visitation for her was to be had?

٩. فَكَيفَ طِلابُكَها إِذ نَأَت
وَأَدنى مَزاراً لَها ذو حُسُم

10. And Sa'haba went around her synagogue
And brought her out with a seal upon her.

١٠. وَصَهباءَ طافَ يَهودِيُّها
وَأَبرَزَها وَعَلَيها خُتُم

11. And the wind confronted her in her abasement,
And prayed over her abasement and withdrew.

١١. وَقابَلَها الريحُ في دَنِّها
وَصَلّى عَلى دَنِّها وَاِرتَسَم

12. I took her without being deterred
From drinking or denying what was known.

١٢. تَمَزَّزتُها غَيرَ مُستَدبِرٍ
عَنِ الشَربِ أَو مُنكِرٍ ما عُلِم

13. And she was as white as the sword that gives reward,
It would not be generous or raid if it missed.

١٣. وَأَبيَضَ كَالسَيفِ يُعطي الجَزي
لَ يَجودُ وَيَغزو إِذا ما عَدِم

14. I was once a guest of his
Out of generosity in his wealth, so I will judge.

١٤. تَضَيَّفتُ يَوماً عَلى نارِهِ
مِنَ الجودِ في مالِهِ أَحتَكِم

15. And Yahma sings, her gardens
Whose springs are turbulent and blocked up.

١٥. وَيَهماءَ تَعزِفُ جِنّانُها
مَناهِلُها آجِناتٌ سُدُم

16. I cut across with swift, tall,
High-stepping steeds like the Phoenician ships.

١٦. قَطَعتُ بِرَسّامَةٍ جَسرَةٍ
عَذافِرَةٍ كَالفَنيقِ القَطِم

17. Wrathful from the whip, decked out
When the riding-camels donned the shackles.

١٧. غَضوبٍ مِنَ السَوطِ زَيّافَةٍ
إِذا ما اِرتَدى بِالسَراةِ الأَكَم

18. Silent as the silence of deserted encampments
When they depart and the remainder of the herd is silent.

١٨. كَتومِ الرُغاءِ إِذا هَجَّرَت
وَكانَت بَقِيَّةَ ذَودٍ كُتُم

19. It relieves a man of his anxiety
And upon it is healed the sick heart.

١٩. تُفَرِّجُ لِلمَرءِ مِن هَمِّهِ
وَيُشفى عَلَيها الفُؤادُ السَقِم

20. To the man Qais I make the journey long
And take from every district precaution.

٢٠. إِلى المَرءِ قَيسٍ أُطيلُ السَرى
وَآخُذُ مِن كُلِّ حَيٍّ عُصُم

21. And how many groups below your abode
Are foolish lads, hostile ruffians.

٢١. وَكَم دونَ بَيتِكَ مِن مَعشَرٍ
صُباةِ الحُلومِ عُداةٍ غُشُم

22. When I greet they do not return
My greeting, and they are not deaf.

٢٢. إِذا أَنا حَيَّيتُ لَم يَرجِعوا
تَحِيَّتَهُم وَهُمُ غَيرُ صُم

23. And the darkness of night upon sly
Women, their heat blazes.

٢٣. وَإِدلاجِ لَيلٍ عَلى خيفَةٍ
وَهاجِرَةٍ حَرُّها يَحتَدِم

24. And indeed your raids from Hadhramaut
Came to me while before me are Tehama and stoning.

٢٤. وَإِنَّ غَزاتَكَ مِن حَضرَمَوتَ
أَتَتني وَدوني الصَفا وَالرَجَم

25. Your riding-camel troop on enemy land
And their trunks like the mumbled speech of the non-Arabs.

٢٥. مَقادَكَ بِالخَيلِ أَرضَ العَدو
وَجُذعانُها كَلَفيظِ العَجَم

26. And their army look each morning
For war, so today is not a day to shrink from battle.

٢٦. وَجَيشُهُمُ يَنظُرونَ الصَبا
حَ فَاليَومَ مِن غَزوَةٍ لَم تَخِم

27. Standing for what was of success
While they are fasting, their pot boiling.

٢٧. وُقوفاً بِما كانَ مِن لَأمَةٍ
وَهُنَّ صِيامٌ يَلُكنَ اللُجُم

28. So you stirred them and your stirring among them
Did not settle, as the flood circulated the rolling pebbles.

٢٨. فَأَظعَنتَ وِترَكَ مِن دارِهِم
وَوِترُكَ في دارِهِم لَم يُقِم

29. You do not want, for whom you exerted yourself,
As is said about the live coal, "It kindled the dirham."

٢٩. تَؤُمُّ دِيارَ بَني عامِرٍ
وَأَنتَ بِآلِ عُقَيلٍ فَغِم

30. She was like a pregnant woman the morning after
Conception her delivery was not known.

٣٠. أَذاقَتهُمُ الحَربُ أَنفاسَها
وَقَد تُكرَهُ الحَربُ بَعدَ السَلَم

31. He rises over the grief among his people
So he pardons when he wills or avenges.

٣١. تَعودُ عَلَيهِم وَتُمضيهِمُ
كَما طافَ بِالرُجمَةِ المُرتَجِم

32. The brother of war, not a submissive weakling,
Nor wearing the sandals of one whose bowels gurgle.

٣٢. وَلَم يودِ مَن كُنتَ تَسعى لَهُ
كَما قيلَ في الحَيِّ أَودى دَرِم

33. Nor is Mu'zibd from the estuary of the Euphrates
A deep pool whose diving-birds collide.

٣٣. وَكانَت كَحُبلى غَداةَ الصَبا
حِ كانَت وِلادَتُها عَن مُتِمّ

34. It upturns the boat with oars
Its frame has almost shattered.

٣٤. يَقومُ عَلى الوَغمِ في قَومِهِ
فَيَعفو إِذا شاءَ أَو يَنتَقِم

35. Its sailor huddles in its middle
Fearfully like its ribbing constricting him.

٣٥. أَخو الحَربِ لا ضَرَعٌ واهِنٌ
وَلَم يَنتَعِل بِقِبالٍ خَذِم

36. More generous than him with what he has
When their heavens do not frown.

٣٦. وَما مُزبِدٌ مِن خَليجِ الفُرا
تِ جَونٌ غَوارِبُهُ تَلتَطِم

37. He is the Giver of the chosen hundred
Like palm trees which the truncated circulates.

٣٧. يَكُبُّ الخَلِيَّةَ ذاتَ القِلا
عِ قَد كادَ جُؤجُؤُها يَنحَطِم

38. And every pile like the trunk of a cutting
That runs upon sublime authorities.

٣٨. تَكَأكَأَ مَلّاحُها وَسطَها
مِنَ الخَوفِ كَوثَلَها يَلتَزِم

39. Its columns like the tracks of the oryx
Their tips touching the ground silently.

٣٩. بِأَجوَدَ مِنهُ بِما عِندَهُ
إِذا ما سَمائُهُم لَم تَغِم

40. It hunts the lote-trees and their gum and
Their brambles before they are bathed.

٤٠. هُوَ الواهِبُ المِئَةَ المُصطَفا
ةَ كَالنَخلِ طافَ بِها المُجتَرِم

41. And a day when I see the Pleiades
Turn away like scattered pearls.

٤١. وَكُلَّ كُمَيتٍ كَجِذعِ الطَري
قِ يَردي عَلى سَلِطاتٍ لُثُم

42. It hangs low swiftly as if the Pleiades
A blue one followed it, flesh.

٤٢. سَنابِكُهُ كَمَداري الظِبا
ءِ أَطرافُهُنَّ عَلى الأَرضِ شُم

43. For indeed Mu'awiyah the noblest of the noble
Long bones, lofty ambitions.

٤٣. يَصيدُ النَحوصَ وَمِسحَلَها
وَجَحشَهُما قَبلَ أَن يَستَحِمّ

44. When will you leave them to battle?
Horses will come to you with other than thick necks.

٤٤. وَيَومٍ إِذا ما رَأَيتُ الصِوَا
رَ أَدبَرَ كَاللُؤلُؤِ المُنخَرِم

45. When they sit in the evening
Visions of 'Aad and their hands suppled.

٤٥. تَدَلّى حَثيثاً كَأَنَّ الصِوَا
رَ أَتبَعَهُ أَزرَقِيٌّ لَحِم

46. And 'Awra came so I answered her
With an ugly, denying the tie of relation.

٤٦. فَإِنَّ مُعاوِيَةَ الأَكرَمينَ
عِظامُ القِبابِ طِوالُ الأُمَم

47. With denial for her a surah
Which if sent she does not avenge herself.

٤٧. مَتى تَدعُهُم لِلِقاءِ الحُرو
بِ تَأتِكَ خَيلٌ لَهُم غَيرُ جُمّ

48. She says, "My daughter, when the departure was certain,
Do you see us as equal, and who will be bereft?"

٤٨. إِذا ما هُمُ جَلَسوا بِالعَشِي
يِ فَأَحلامُ عادٍ وَأَيدي هُضُم

49. "Our father, so do not toss away from us
For we are in prosperity when you do not toss."

٤٩. وَعَوراءَ جاءَت فَجاوَبتُها
بِشَنعاءَ نافِيَةٍ لِلرَقِم

50. "And O father, do not cease to be with us
For we fear that you will be cut off."

٥٠. بِذاتِ نَفِيٍّ لَها سَورَةٌ
إِذا أُرسِلَت فَهيَ ما تَنتَقِم

51. "Do you see us when the lands have pretended you dead,
We are hidden, and the womb-relations cut off from us."

٥١. تَقولُ اِبنَتي حينَ جَدَّ الرَحيلُ
أَرانا سَواءً وَمَن قَد يَتِم

52. "Did you fear for me misfortune in the circumambulation,
And how many circumambulators calamity has not tossed?"

٥٢. أَبانا فَلا رِمتَ مِن عِندِنا
فَإِنّا بِخَيرٍ إِذا لَم تَرِم

53. "And indeed I have gone around the land its horizons
'Oman, then Himyar, then Jerusalem."

٥٣. وَيا أَبَتا لا تَزَل عِندَنا
فَإِنّا نَخافُ بِأَن تُختَرَم

54. "I came to the Negus in his land
And the land of Nabataea and the land of the non-Arabs."

٥٤. أَرانا إِذا أَضمَرَتكَ البِلا
دُ نُجفى وَتُقطَعُ مِنّا الرَحِم

55. "Then Najran, then the villages of Kinda,
Then which purpose did it have I did not toss about for?"

٥٥. أَفي الطَوفِ خِفتِ عَلَيَّ الرَدى
وَكَم مِن رَدٍ أَهلَهُ لَم يَرِم

56. "And after that to Hadhramaut
So I fulfilled my concern, and time I was anxious."

٥٦. وَقَد طُفتُ لِلمالِ آفاقَهُ
عُمانَ فَحِمصَ فَأوريشَلِم

57. "Do you not see Hadhra when its inhabitants
With bliss - and does one provided for last?"

٥٧. أَتَيتُ النَجاشِيَّ في أَرضِهِ
وَأَرضَ النَبيطِ وَأَرضَ العَجَم

58. "Shahpur the Jund stayed in it two years
Striding about in it, steps treading."

٥٨. فَنَجرانَ فَالسَروَ مِن حِميَرٍ
فَأَيَّ مَرامٍ لَهُ لَم أَرُم

59. "So his Lord did not increase him in strength
And the like of his neighbor did not endure."

٥٩. وَمِن بَعدِ ذاكَ إِلى حَضرَمَوتَ
فَأَوفَيتُ هَمّي وَحيناً أَهُم

60. "So when his Lord saw his deed
He came upon him suddenly and did not avenge."

٦٠. أَلَم تَرَيِ الحَضرَ إِذ أَهلُهُ
بِنُعمى وَهَل خالِدٌ مَن نَعِم

61. "And he had called his comrades with a call
Come now to your matter, it is decided."

٦١. أَقامَ بِهِ شاهَبورُ الجُنو
دَ حَولَينِ يَضرِبُ فيهِ القُدُم

62. "So die honorable by your swords
And for death one with daring gulps it down."

٦٢. فَما زادَهُ رَبُّهُ قُوَّةً
وَمِثلُ مُجاوِرِهِ لَم يُقِم

63. "And for death there is better for one who attains it
When the man - his nation does not last."

٦٣. فَلَمّا رَأى رَبُّهُ فِعلَهُ
أَتاهُ طُروقاً فَلَم يَنتَقِم

64. "So in that is an example for one who would die with dignity
And Ma'rib whose dam the torrent split."

٦٤. وَكانَ دَعا رَهطَهُ دَعوَةً
هَلُمَّ إِلى أَمرِكُم قَد صُرِم

65. "Its stones built by them the villages
When their water came it did not flow gently."

٦٥. فَموتوا كِراماً بِأَسيافِكُم
وَلِلمَوتِ يَجشَمُهُ مَن جَشِم

66. "So it watered the crops and its grapes
With ample water when it was divided."

٦٦. وَلِلمَوتِ خَيرٌ لِمَن نالَهُ
إِذا المَرءُ أُمَّتُهُ لَم تَدُم

67. "So they lived in bliss
Then a torrent coursed through it eroding."

٦٧. فَفي ذاكَ لِلمُؤتَسِي أُسوَةٌ
وَمَأرِبُ قَفّى عَلَيها العَرِم

68. "So the villages and its canals flew off
In Yahma in which is a mirage that promises."

٦٨. رُخامٌ بَنَتهُ لَهُم حِميَرٌ
إِذا جاءَهُ ماؤهُم لَم يَرِم

69. "So they flew quickly, and they could not estimate
From it enough for a weaned child to drink."

٦٩. فَأَروى الزُروعَ وَأَعنابَها
عَلى سَعَةٍ ماؤهُم إِذ قُسِم

٧٠. فَعاشوا بِذَلِكَ في غِبطَةٍ
فَجارَ بِهِم جارِفٌ مُنهَزِم

٧١. فَطارَ القُيولُ وَقَيلاتُها
بِيَهماءَ فيها سَرابٌ يَطِم

٧٢. فَطاروا سِراعاً وَما يَقدِرو
نَ مِنهُ لِشُربِ صَبِيٍّ فَطِم