
To redeem the sons of 'Adi I galloped my steed

فدى لبني عدي ركض ساقي

1. To redeem the sons of 'Adi I galloped my steed
Though I had gathered no grace or gifts ere that deed

١. فِدىً لِبَني عَدِيٍّ رَكضُ ساقي
وَما جَمَّعتُ مِن نَعِمٍ مُراحِ

2. We left of Bani 'Uqail's women, widowed brides
Seeking marriage bands while still in weeds

٢. تَرَكنا مِن نِساءَ بَني عُقَيلٍ
أَيامى تَبتَغي عَقدَ النِكاحِ

3. Did you find us herdsmen of cattle and sheep
Or owners of mischief, rancor and leap?

٣. أَرُعيانَ الشَوِيِّ وَجَدتُمونا
أَمَ اَصحابَ الكَريهَةِ وَالنِطاحِ

4. Hawazin knew well my horses at dawn
Galloping truthful when deserts yawn

٤. لَقَد عَلِمَت هَوازِنُ أَنَّ خَيلي
غَداةَ النَعفِ صادِقَةُ الصَباحِ

5. On them every valiant knight of noble strain
Whose keen sword flashes not in vain

٥. عَلَيها كُلُّ أَروَعَ هِبرِزِيٍّ
شَديدٍ حَدُّهُ شاكي السِلاحِ

6. We attacked them till we met in the field
With Indian blades that shine revealed

٦. فَكَرَّ عَلَيهِمُ حَتّى اِلتَقَينا
بِمَصقولٍ عَوارِضُها صَباحِ

7. We returned with captives and spoils of war
Milk-white prisoners and wounds that sore

٧. فَأُبنا بِالنِهابِ وَبِالسَبايا
وَبِالبيضِ الخَرائِدِ وَاللِقاحِ

8. And we freed the daughter of 'Amr ibn 'Amir
After we had quaffed at her abode the stir

٨. وَأَعتَقنا اِبنَةَ العَمرِيِّ عَمرٍو
وَقَد خُضنا عَلَيها بِالقِداحِ