
A tower that makes me sinful and ungrateful

برج يؤثمني ويكفر نعمتي

1. A tower that makes me sinful and ungrateful
Deaf to what the guarantor said, deafness of resolve

١. بُرجٌ يُؤَثِّمُني وَيَكفُرُ نِعمَتي
صَمّي لِما قالَ الكَفيلُ صَمامِ

2. Wait Abu Zaid, for if you wish
I will lead you to meadows of running springs

٢. مَهلاً أَبا زَيدٍ فَإِنَّكَ إِن تَشَأ
أورِدكَ عُرضَ مَناهِلٍ أَسدامِ

3. I will lead you to destiny, if you plunge in
The wading of the seated, the hiding place of adversaries

٣. أورِدكَ أَقلِبَةً إِذا حافَلتَها
خَوضَ القَعودِ خَبيئَةَ الأَخصامِ

4. I came from the land of Hejaz under protection
With freed camels I drive without reins

٤. أَقبَلتُ مِن أَرضِ الحِجازِ بِذِمَّةٍ
عُطُلاً أُسَوِّقُها بِغَيرِ خِطامِ

5. In the wake of brothers of ours from Tayy’
Who are not equals nor honorable

٥. في إِثرِ إِخوانٍ لَنا مِن طَيِّءٍ
لَيسوا بِأَكفاءٍ وَلا بِكِرامِ

6. Do not think, oh naive brother, that I
Am a man uninformed, not knowledgeable

٦. لا تَحسَبَنَّ أَخا العَفاطَةِ أَنَّني
رَجُلٌ بِخُبرِكَ لَيسَ بِالعَلّامِ

7. So they asked you for help, and you wetted its utterance
About the daughter of your mother, and the trains are my pillar

٧. فَاِستَنزَلوكَ وَقَد بَلَلتَ نِطاقَها
عَن بِنتِ أُمِّكِ وَالذُيولُ دَوامي