
O our brothers from our father and mother

يا أخوينا من أبينا وأمنا

1. O our brothers from our father and mother
Leave our masters alone from Quda'a to go

١. يا أَخَوَينا مِن أَبينا وَأُمِّنا
ذَروا مَولَيَينا مِن قُضاعَةَ يَذهَبا

2. For if you do not do so, you have no father
So do not impose on us what we hate so we get angry

٢. فَإِن أَنتُمُ لَم تَفعَلوا لا أَبا لَكُم
فَلا تُعلِقونا ما كَرِهنا فَنَغضَبا

3. And we are the sons of Sahm son of Murrah, we did not find
For us a lineage from them or attributed

٣. وَنَحنُ بَنو سَهمِ بنِ مُرَّةَ لَم نَجِد
لَنا نَسَباً عَنهُم وَلا مُتَنَسَّبا

4. When shall we attribute, you found our father your father
And you will not find us closer to immoralities

٤. مَتى نَنتَسِب تَلقَوا أَبانا أَباكُمُ
وَلَن تَجِدونا لِلفَواحِشِ أَقرَبا

5. And when I saw sobriety was not beneficial to me
And if it was once a day with shooting stars

٥. وَلَمّا رَأَيتُ السَبرَ لَيسَ بِنافِعي
وَإِن كانَ يَوماً ذا كَواكِبَ أَشهَبا

6. We were tough on them, then with the air very tough
So you have neither a mother we called nor a father

٦. شَدَدنا عَلَيهِم ثَمَّ بِالجَوِّ شَدَّةً
فَلا لَكُمُ أُمّاً دَعَونا وَلا أَبا

7. With all the softness of the two lips of Muhanad
And dark skinny necked, long necked

٧. بِكُلِّ رُقاقِ الشَفرَتَينِ مُهَنَّدٍ
وَأَسمَرَ عَرّاصِ المَهَزَّةِ أَرقَبا

8. So they did not panic when the people mixed with their families
But they saw a diversion from death, unlucky

٨. فَما فَزِعوا إِذ خالَطَ القَومُ أَهلَهُم
وَلَكِن رَأَوا صِرفاً مِنَ المَوتِ أَصهَبا

9. And no wonder except when a warrior came
To us with a thousand attacking, who wrote

٩. وَلا غَروَ إِلّا حينَ جاءَت مُحارِبٌ
إِلَينا بِأَلفٍ حارِدٍ قَد تَكَتَّبا

10. My master, our masters to capture our women
O fox, have you come with an unknown fox

١٠. مَوالي مَوالينا لِيَسبوا نِساءَنا
أَثَعلَبَ قَد جِئتُم بِنَكراءَ ثَعلَبا

11. And I said to them, O people of wolves what is wrong with you
Did you miss, you did not go the way this year

١١. وَقُلتُ لَهُم يا آلَ ذُبيانَ ما لَكُم
تَفاقَدتُمُ لَم تَذهَبوا العامَ مَذهَبا

12. It called for the evilest deeds of its elite
So it became placed with that disheveled

١٢. تَداعى إِلى شَرِّ الفَعالِ سَراتُها
فَأَصبَحَ مَوضوعٌ بِذَلِكَ مُلتَبا