1. Indeed, a man after me your victory will be replaced
With the victory of Banu Dhubyan in truth a loser
١. إِنَّ اِمرَأً بَعدي تَبَدَّلَ نَصرَكُم
بِنَصرِ بَني ذُبيانَ حَقّاً لَخاسِرُ
2. Those are a people whose glory is never despised
When kohl is applied and lances clash
٢. أولَئِكَ قَومٌ لا يُهانُ ثَوِيُّهُم
إِذا صَرَّحَت كَحلٌ وَهَبَّ الصَنابِرُ