
With an unearthly rhyme

وقافيةٍ غير إنسيةٍ

1. With an unearthly rhyme
I have composed poetry like it

١. وَقافِيَةٍ غَيرِ إِنسِيَّةٍ
قَرَضتُ مِنَ الشِعرِ أَمثالَها

2. Wandering thoughts that sparkle with fluttering
When recited it is asked who authored it

٢. شَرودٍ تَلَمَّعُ بِالخافِقَينِ
إِذا أُنشِدَت قيلَ مَن قالَها

3. And confused not guided by daylight
From the ribs follows its misguidance

٣. وَحَيرانَ لا يَهتَدي بِالنَهارِ
مِنَ الظَلعِ يَتبَعُ ضُلّالَها

4. A supplicant who supplicated the supplication of the desperate
And you were like one who responded to it

٤. وَداعٍ دَعا دَعوَةَ المُستَغيثِ
وَكُنتَ كَمَن كانَ لَبّى لَها

5. When death was difficult on the throats
And the soul rushed its occupations

٥. إِذا المَوتُ كانَ شَجاً بِالحُلوقِ
وَبادَرَتِ النَفسُ أَشغالَها

6. I was patient and did not become thunderous
And patience in fear is safest for it

٦. صَبَرتُ وَلَم أَكُ رِعديدَةً
وَلَلصَبرُ في الرَوعِ أَنجى لَها

7. And a day in which wars flare up
I donned fear as its coat

٧. وَيَومٍ تَسَعَّرُ فيهِ الحُروبُ
لَبِستُ إِلى الرَوعِ سِربالَها

8. With repetitive epic structure
And the wrist of rhythm articulating it

٨. مُضَعَّفَةَ السَردِ عادِيَّةً
وَعَضبَ المَضارِبِ مِفصالَها

9. And continually from well-foundedness
I defend the roses their heroes

٩. وَمُطَّرِداً مِن رُدَينِيَّةٍ
أَذودُ عَنِ الوِردِ أَبطالَها

10. So nothing remained of that except piety
And a soul that handles its heroes

١٠. فَلَم يَبقَ مِن ذاكَ إِلّا التُقى
وَنَفسٌ تُعالِجُ أَبطالَها

11. Matters from God above the sky
Ordained destinies that descend their descents

١١. أُمورٌ مِنَ اللَهِ فَوقَ السَماءِ
مَقاديرُ تَنزِلُ أَنزالَها

12. I seek refuge in my Lord from disgrace
The day the self sees its deeds

١٢. أَعوذُ بِرَبّي مِنَ المُخزِيا
تِ يَومَ تَرى النَفسُ أَعمالَها

13. And the scales tipped for the disbelievers
And the earth shook its shaking

١٣. وَخَفَّ المَوازينُ بِالكافِرينَ
وَزُلزِلَتِ الأَرضُ زِلزالَها

14. And a caller called to the people of the graves
So they rose to reveal their burdens

١٤. وَنادى مُنادٍ بِأَهلِ القُبورِ
فَهَبّوا لِتُبرِزَ أَثقالَها

15. And the fire was stoked in which is torment
And the chains were its shackles

١٥. وَسُعِّرَتِ النارُ فيها العَذابُ
وَكانَ السَلاسِلُ أَغلالَها