
I was enchanted by one whose name begins with "sh"

كلفت بناطق بالشين سينا

1. I was enchanted by one whose name begins with "sh"
He has a face like the full moon

١. كلفت بناطقٍ بالشين سيناً
له وجه عليه البدر يثني

2. I asked for his love but he refused with coquetry
And said, "The magic of your eyes has captivated me"

٢. سالت وصاله فأبى دلالاً
وقال وسحر مقلته فتني

3. "Can you travel with me in haste?" he asked
I said "Yes, but more care should be taken in this journey"

٣. أعندك في السريعة جاز وصلي
فقلت نعم ويحسن بالتأني