1. O soul mate, we are still
In hardship and thoughts,
١. يا شقيق الروح إنّا لم نزل
منذ بنتم في عناء وفكر
2. And tomorrow my heart and thoughts are with you,
How strange we had no news from you,
٢. وغدا قلبي وفكري عندكم
عجبا لم يأتنا منكم خبر
3. May the house be safe, free of
Misery or damage that causes distress,
٣. فعسى البيت سليما ما به
نكد أو تلف يجدي الكدر
4. And may the roof with its wood
Be safe from all doubts and dangers,
٤. ولعل السقف مع اخشابه
سالما من كل ريب وخطر
5. And may the food kept safe without
Spoiling, and may no harm come,
٥. وعسى القوت بحفظ لم يضع
منه شيء وعسى أن لا ضرر
6. So relieve the worried one with news
Of what happened and what came to mind,
٦. فامنح المشغول بالا خبرا
بالذي صار وفيما قد خطر
7. May God protect you from anger and
Every misery, hardship, and stumbling,
٧. قد وقاك اللَه من غيظ ومن
كل سوء وعناء وعثر
8. And may God protect you from all afflictions,
And may God save you from the harms of rain,
٨. وحماك الله من كل البلا
ووقاك اللَه آفات المطر
9. How can one who builds houses of pearls
Have God destroy a house of stone for him?
٩. كيف من يبني بيوتا دررا
يهدم اللَه له بيتا حجر
10. May God give longevity to the houses of poetry
And endow them with every descending grace.
١٠. عمّر اللَه بيوت الشعرا
وحباها كل لطف منحدر