
Since I fell in love when I kissed him

قبلته مذ زاد وجد غرامي

1. Since I fell in love when I kissed him
My sleep was lost in longing for his love

١. قبلته مذ زاد وجد غرامي
في حبه لما عدمت منامي

2. I embraced his slender waist and inhaled his fragrance
So the bracelets on his wrists turned green

٢. وضممت بان قوامه وشممته
فاخضرا آس عذاره النمام

3. And the roses on his cheeks turned red from anguish
I was struck by the arrows of his glances

٣. واحمر ورد خدوده من لوعة
ورميت من ألحاظه بسهام

4. His veil slipped off in shyness
And the curves of his beauty swayed

٤. وغدا النقاب مهتكّا من نفرة
وتمايلت أعطاف حسن قوام

5. My wonder at his beauty increased
Until my longing and my reins overcame me

٥. وازداد تيها معجبا بجماله
حتى تملك رقتي وذمامي

6. He reproached me with his beautiful smile
And gestured towards me, blaming my passion

٦. وأتى يعاتبني بحسن فكاهة
وأشار نحوي عاطفا لملامي

7. I found that reproach a sweet scent
Sent by the blossoms of spring

٧. ورأيت ذاك العتب أطيب نفحة
تهدى بنشر من ربيع خزام

8. I wondered at the slenderness of his waist and was amazed
By the hardness of his aloof heart

٨. عجبي لرقة خصره وعجبت من
قاسي قساوة قلبه الصمصام

9. I had hoped his nature was gentle
So I shook with wonder, prevented from my desire

٩. عهدي به والإنس يعطف قده
فاهتز عجبا مانعا لمرامي

10. I called "O gazelle, be gentle with love
And take pity and be kind to my passions"

١٠. ناديته يا ظبي رفقا بالهوى
وارحم وكن متعطفا بهيامي

11. I called you a gazelle when I saw you shy away
Turning like a wild animal

١١. سموك ظبيا مذ راوك منافرا
متلفتا كتلفت الأرام

12. So turn back, do not shy away, for I am lovesick
And a loyal lover captured by devotion

١٢. فاعطف ولا تنفر فإني مغرم
وحليف وجد بالمحبة سامي

13. For your beautiful face has captured my soul
And your slender waist is killing me

١٣. فجمال وجهك قد تملك مهجتي
ونحيل خصرك قاتلي بسقامي

14. My only crime in love was that
I fell in love when I kissed him

١٤. ما كان ذنبي بالمحبة غير ان
قبلته مذ زاد وجد غرامي