1. Are these decades of benevolence that I see, or necklaces?
Is it the magic of eloquence, or the peaks of meaning?
١. عقود جمانٍ ما أرى أم قلائد
وسحر بيان أم معانٍ فرائد
2. Is it the weaving of musk, or the tresses of a gazelle?
Does the parchment contain this, or is it poems?
٢. وتدبيج مسكٍ أم ذوائب غادةٍ
تضمنه القرطاس أم ذا قصائد
3. Yes, it is a composition that came to us from a refined one,
With memories of his virtues, poems are generous.
٣. بلى هو نظم جاءنا من مهذبٍ
بذكرى معاليه تجود النشائد
4. Noble among the noble, his virtue is outstanding,
His praise is sweet, and it is the peak of poems.
٤. كريم له بين الكرام ماثرٌ
تطيب ثناءً وهي زهر فرائد
5. Secretive, flowing, purposeful, Muhammad,
Courageous, generous, with a bountiful banquet.
٥. سريٌّ جريٌّ المعيٌّ محمدٌ
همامٌ جوادٌ واسع البذل مائد
6. After him followed the chiefs and commanders,
A noble grandfather and father of pride.
٦. تسامى بنصارٍ وناصيف بعده
كريمان جدٌّ ذو افتخارٍ ووالدُ
7. My life composed verses that courted me in the meadow,
Gazelles of meaning, intimate wanderers.
٧. حياتي بنظمٍ غازلتني بروضه
ظباءُ معان آنساتٌ شواردُ
8. Eloquent in speech, he became his companion,
And grants wealth when he recites to him as a reciter.
٨. نظامٌ فصيحُ اللفظ أضحى رفيقه
ويمنح درّاً حين يتلوه ناشدُ
9. He shows us the stars and flowers as rhymes,
Difficult for those who covet them and distant.
٩. يرينا النجوم الزهر منه قوافياً
تعز على من رامها وتباعدُ
10. With praise of the minister, the glory of the age,
Nobility was lifted by him and praise abounded.
١٠. بمدح وزير زين الدهر مجدهُ
وسادت به العليا وجادت محامدُ
11. With his rising, the ministry shone bright,
And greetings flowed with the good news.
١١. بطلعته الغرا الوزارة أشرقت
وساغت بغدران التهاني المواردُ
12. A renowned, just and virtuous minister,
Through him benefits rise to the throne and glory.
١٢. وزيرٌ شهير عادلٌ فاضل به
لتخت العلى والمجد تسمو الفوائدُ
13. He attained the highest ranks,
And came happily guided by God.
١٣. تبوأ من صدر المعالي مراتباً
فجاءَ سعيداً وهو باللَه رائدُ
14. Safety rose in his days and serenity shone
Upon the people, fresh, as he was one with justice.
١٤. علا الأمن في أيامه وانجلى الهنا
على الناس طرّا وهو بالعدل واحدُ
15. Joy to Abdullah, guardian of our loyalty,
In his offspring the glories take shade.
١٥. هناءً بعبد اللَه مولى ولائنا
ومن بذراه تستظل الأماجدُ
16. So he remained accompanied by supporting victory,
And he remained feared by enemies and enviers.
١٦. فلا زال مقروناً بنصرٍ مؤيد
ولا زال تخشاه العدى والحواسدُ
17. Throughout time his prosperity shines,
His pillars and foundations erected.
١٧. مدى الدهر ماموناً تضيءُ سعودهُ
مشيدة أركانه والقواعدُ
18. To you my brother, the most generous, my praises
Adorned with the sweet agreement that flows.
١٨. إليك أخا الفضل العميم مدائحاً
يزينها طيب الثنا المتواردُ
19. In it, the composition of your eloquent verses,
Evidenced by their meanings and attested.
١٩. بقرظ فيها نظمك الرايق الذي
له من معانيه عليه شواهدُ
20. Take them with pardon, as they came from an admirer,
The cups of youth poured to you with love.
٢٠. فخذها بعفوٍ إذ أتت من متيم
بحبك أقداح الصبابة واردُ