1. Perhaps the sailor visited, and perhaps
I sipped from the lips the beloved drink
١. إلا ربما زار الملاح وربما
رشفت من الثغر الرضاب المحببا
2. And when she gathered her waist, revealing her bosom
I touched with my palms the rouged apples
٢. ولما ضممت الخصر من بان قدّها
لمست بكفيّ البنان المخضبا
3. And kissed the pomegranates of her breasts, and perhaps
I bit the coral of her reddened lips
٣. وقبلت رمان النهود وربما
اضرس مرجان الشفاه المصهبّا
4. And how often in passion when we shed our veils
I nibbled on the apples of her cheek
٤. وكم بالهوى لما خلعنا عذارنا
اعضض تفاح الخود المكتبا