1. A young man whose pillow was piety
And for the inhabitants of the Two Holy Mosques he was
١. لحدٌ توسدهُ فتىً
كانت لهُ التقوى مناطق
2. The interpreter and best spokesman
He met death content
٢. ولساكني الحرمين كان
الترجمان وخير ناطق
3. With the gifts of the Forgiving, the Confident
And he spent his life obeying
٣. لقي المنية راضياً
بمواهب الغفار واثق
4. In a way that satisfies the One who created all beings
And so he passed on and a historian said
٤. وقضى الحيوة بطاعةٍ
ترضي الذي فطر الخلائق
5. To Paradise goes the truthful dervish
٥. ومضى فقال مؤرخٌ
للجنة الدرويش صادق