
Ask the slender script and the white paper,

سل الخطي والبيض الصقالا

1. Ask the slender script and the white paper,
For they reveal men's inner states.

١. سل الخطيّ والبيض الصقالا
فهنّ عن الرجال كشفن حالا

2. And ask on the day of battle the enemies of war,
In the valley of Taym, blazing with fire.

٢. وسل يوم النزال عداة حربٍ
بوادي التيم تشتعل اشتعالا

3. And one day the banners of Qays arrived,
Leading horses, their reins entangled.

٣. ويوماً أقبلت رايات قيسٍ
يقدنَ الخيل تعترك الحبالا

4. With young men who see death as honor,
And elders who have long stormed into battle.

٤. بفتيانٍ يرون الموت عزّاً
وشيبٍ طالما اقتحموا النزالا

5. God granted victory to its leader,
The signs of might flanking it on the left.

٥. ونصر اللَه صاحبها يميناً
وآي العز قارنها شمالا

6. With it we attack the archers on steeds
Galloping, racing like thoughts.

٦. نحوط بها الكماة على عتاقٍ
مضمرةٍ يسابقن الخيالا

7. Among them is a lion of courage from the plateau of Shawf,
Who honored lions, though he surpassed men.

٧. لديهم من سراة الشوف أسدٌ
إلا فاكرم بهم أسداً رجالا

8. When they advance, you'd think them buzzing flies,
And if they stand firm, you'd reckon them mountains.

٨. إذا كروا تخالهم بزاةً
وإن ثبتوا حسبتهم جبالا

9. Their spears are accustomed to triumph,
And their enemies accustomed to defeat.

٩. قد اعتادت رماحهم انتصاراً
وقد ألفت عداتهم انخذالا

10. Were their battalions to attack
With their resolute souls, none could withstand.

١٠. فلو حملت كتائبهم والقوا
عزائمهم على أحدٍ لزالا

11. The noble heroes led by Shir,
Whose name is ever linked with victory.

١١. كرام سادهم شهم بشيرٌ
فلم يزل اسمه للنصر فالا

12. Shahabi, the boldest, the firmest footed,
And the best of them in character.

١٢. شهابيٌّ اشد الناس باساً
وأقداماً وأحسنهم خلالا

13. He greets war smiling when
Spear blades weep blood shed in battles.

١٣. يلاقي الحرب مبتسماً إذا ما
بكت مقل الرماح دماً سجالا

14. And plunges into the fray when perils come in succession
With poise making light of the heaviest.

١٤. ويعترك الخطوب إذا توالت
بحزمٍ يستخف به الثقالا

15. How many glories does he own
When recounting would take long?

١٥. كميٌ كم له عند المعالي
مواقع ذكرهن قد استطالا

16. When he intends a matter,
He attains it, with God's help.

١٦. إذا مالت خواطره لامرٍ
بعون اللَه ادركه ونالا

17. The swords of India gained from him
Radiance, and the polished became keener.

١٧. قد اكتسبت سيوف الهند منه
مضاءً والمثقفة اعتدالا

18. He camped for five days below the mountain Rashia
Fearing his might would be diminished.

١٨. أقام بسفح راشيا خميساً
تخاف الدهر سطوته منالا

19. He kindled in its valleys war's fire
To rain vengeance upon the foe.

١٩. فاضرم في ذراها نار حربٍ
تصب على العداة بها النكالا

20. And met them - would he fear to meet them? -
A youth relying solely on God.

٢٠. ولاقاهم وهل يخشى لقاهم
فتىً ألقى على اللَه اتكالا

21. So they took fright and sought refuge
Thinking the snow would prevent the fight.

٢١. فغروا واستظلوا في حماها
وظنوا الثلج يمنعهم قتالا

22. He drove them with the knights of doom
And hemmed them with steeds in a ring.

٢٢. فسورهم بفرسان المنايا
وطوقهم مثقفةً طوالا

23. They feared his sword and sought protection from it,
Having cast aside spear and blade.

٢٣. فخافوا سيفه وبه استجاروا
وقد طرحوا السنة والنصالا

24. He spared them, for God's sake, from death,
And humiliated them, adding to their disgrace.

٢٤. فاطلقهم لوجه اللَه مناً
وذلهم يزيدهم خبالا

25. They retreated while Death bore witness,
Its tongues eager to take them.

٢٥. فولوا والمنايا شاهداتٌ
اسنتها تريد بهم تبالا

26. And he attained reward, victory and praise
That will endure forever.

٢٦. وأصبح نائلاً أجراً ونصراً
وحمداً طائلاً ما الدهر طالا

27. And lofty station with a minister
August, filling the world with awe.

٢٧. ومرفوع المقام لدى وزير
مهيبٍ يملأ الدنيا جلالا

28. Himam, greatest of viziers in rank,
Noblest and most bountiful.

٢٨. همامٌ أعظم الوزراء قدراً
وأشرفهم وأوسعهم نوالا

29. His right hand flows with justice and generosity,
And his stern eyelid swells with wrath.

٢٩. تفيض يمينه عدلاً وبذلاً
ويهمي جفن صارمه وبالا

30. By his counsel the cheek of domains smiles
And his resolve makes the necks of the vile bend.

٣٠. يفل برأيه خد المواضي
ويفرط عزمه الحلق المذالا

31. If his tongue sought a foe,
Though atop the skies he sped and leaned.

٣١. فلو طلبت اسنته عدواً
ولو فوق السماك هوى ومالا

32. Let him who wishes glory or loftiness
Without his merits think the impossible.

٣٢. ومن شاء افتخاراً أو سمواً
بغير علائه ظن المحالا

33. For Abdullah exalts all the free
And raises all with mighty deeds.

٣٣. فعبداللَه يسمو كل حرٍ
ويعلو كل ذي همم فعالا

34. Indeed, the Emir rewarded with all good,
May God reward him with ascendance.

٣٤. لقد جازى الأمير بكل خيرٍ
جزاه اللَه اقبالاً تعالى

35. And gifted him noble favors,
Befitting his sublime worth.

٣٥. واتحفه بأنعامٍ شريفٍ
يشرف قدره السامي كمالا

36. He appointed him the sword of victory,
And clothed him in the robe of might.

٣٦. فقلده المهابة سيف نصر
والبسه من العز الجمالا

37. Rejoice, O Emir, shining with glory,
And perish acquiring praise and wealth.

٣٧. تهنَّ يا أميراً ضاء مجداً
وافنى باكتساب الحمد مالا

38. With favors, ascendance, victory,
Fortune never to fade or fail.

٣٨. بأنعامٍ واقبال ونصرٍ
وسعدٍ لن يزوال ولن يزالا

39. Excuse me, I came to you in joy
Never having aligned with another.

٣٩. وخذ عذرا أتتك على هناءٍ
بغيرك قط لم ترم اتصالا

40. A maiden of eulogies hoping for acceptance,
If her smile shone and she spoke.

٤٠. فتاة مدائحٍ ترجو قبولاً
إذا ما افتر مبسمها وقالا

41. The writhing of a supple bough delights,
As does a shining youth and union.

٤١. ودم ما اهتز عسال وضاءَت
مهندةٌ وجال فتىً وصالا