1. I extend congratulations as we see a good omen rise,
In his neck, knowledge and the high are joined,
١. فدر التهاني أرانا طالعاً حسناً
في جيدهِ العلم والعليا قد اقترنا
2. A human whose spring has overflowed with happiness for people,
His lofty star has shone here,
٢. بفاض في الناس بشرٌ طاب مورده
ولاح كوكبه السامي يضيء هنا
3. And the slumbering hopes, their passionate one has risen,
Among the melodies, excelling in singing,
٣. وساجعات الأماني قام صادحها
بين المغاني على فوزٍ يجيد غنا
4. The mouth of my wit smiled with joy,
And was excited with eloquent words entertaining us,
٤. وافتر ثغر أقاحي الفضل ذا طربٍ
واهتز بان بيانٍ مائساً فننا
5. The pearls of literature have become radiant,
Honoring the continuation of its hopes that settled with us,
٥. واصبحت غرر الآداب مشرقة
عزّا تواصل من آمالها سكنا
6. That is only because of the knowledgeable official who
The people of wisdom have openly testified for with preference,
٦. ما ذاك إلا لعليا عارفٍ شهدت
لهُ بتفضيله آل النهى علنا
7. The Lord of dignity and illumination, Ahmed who
We direct praise to from afar and near,
٧. رب الحجى والذكا الوضاح أحمد من
يهدي الثناء إليه من نأى ودنا
8. A master whose outstanding virtues
Are lofty among people at the bloom of stars
٨. مولىً فضائله الغراء ساميةٌ
بين الأنام على زهر نجوم سنا
9. A sea of knowledge except it is fresh,
Righteous, gentle but fertile with our blessings,
٩. بحرٌ من العلم إلا أنهُ عذبٌ
برٌّ عطوفٌ ولكن مخصبٌ مننا
10. With wisdom we titled him and he is of wise judgement,
And man's title is from its meaning we have purified,
١٠. بحكمةٍ لقبوه وهو ذو حكمٍ
والمرءُ من لقبٍ معناه قد زكنا
11. You see in his blossoming garden knowledge flowed,
Its rational aligned with the transmitted joined,
١١. ترى بروضتهِ الغنا العلوم جرى
معقولها بصفا المنقول مقترنا
12. Of cultured opinion and fulfilling his position,
He reached the highest position but he has also been discerning,
١٢. مهذب الرأي وافٍ عهد منصبه
سما مقاماً ولكن قد سما فطنا
13. His praise prevailed in every place,
Surrounded by the heights from here and there,
١٣. سادت محامده في كل ناحية
محفوفةً بالمعالي من هنا وهنا
14. He was not blamed by the critic of the time,
By God in what he inclined to or settled,
١٤. علامة العصر لم تأخذهُ لائمةٌ
باللَه فيما إليهِ مال أو ركنا
15. The clouds of eloquence from his pens poured,
Its flowing rain and the dew of meadows from his palm leaked,
١٥. سحب البلاغة من أقلامه غدقت
درذا وغيث الندى من كفه هتنا
16. His words are pearls that came on gems,
Of meanings for which the people of wisdom paid a price,
١٦. الفاظهُ دررٌ جاءت على غررٍ
من المعاني لها بذل النهى ثمنا
17. Of pure conscience and refined thoughts, of
Patience and generosity, not knowing malice,
١٧. صافي السريرة مصقول الخواطر ذو
حلمٍ وذو كرمٍ لا يألف الضغنا
18. No lover attained connection after a long passion,
More secret than the position he obtained as companion,
١٨. ما عاشقٌ نال وصلاً بعد طول نوىً
أسرُّ من رتبةٍ أضحى لها قرنا
19. The leadership of Islam has triumphed with it,
From him the best leader who gained all praise,
١٩. للَه مشيخة الإسلام قد ظفرت
منه بخير أمامٍ حاز كل ثنا
20. So it congratulates him and sings to him,
How great a compatriot I longed for in time,
٢٠. فقابلتهُ تحييه وتنشدهُ
يا حبذا كفوءٌ أشتاقه زمنا
21. Its horizon shone with his rising,
And from his hands wishes reached,
٢١. ضاءت مطالعها الزهرا بطلعتهِ
وبلغت من أياديه نوال منى
22. And it shook hands with the giant among men of
His blossoming traits of obligation and tradition,
٢٢. وصافحت جهبذاً أو فى المكارم من
صفاته الزاهرات الفرض والسننا
23. At his door the sciences and scholars,
He provides the touchstone of speech if controversies shook,
٢٣. في بابه العلما الإعلام يمنحهم
فصل الخطاب إذا في المشاكلات رنا
24. From his comfort generosity flowed,
And the star of fortune dwelt in his plains,
٢٤. البذل من راحتيه في العفاة سرى
وكوكب السعد في ساحاته قطنا
25. And whoever brings good news of his eminence, let him rejoice,
For he who built this house has descended and blessed is the building,
٢٥. ومن يبشر بعلياه يقل فرحاً
قد أنزل الدار بانيها ونعم بنا
26. Truly the summit of his glory became a refuge,
The brother of hardship has become thriving in a garment of wealth,
٢٦. إن أمّ ذروتهُ القعسأ ملتجئاً
أخو عسارٍ غدا يزهو بثوب غنى
27. Or he who his tail touched out of his throw,
Became safe from the misfortunes of time,
٢٧. أو قبل الذيل منهُ من رمتهُ يدا
نوائب الدهر من غارتها أمنا
28. Your servant comes wedding, my Master, a eulogy,
That directs congratulations for what she has become adorned with,
٢٨. قد زفّ عبدك يا مولاي مادحةً
تهدي الهناء بما أصبحت متحفنا
29. She hopes for your pardon, though she falls short,
For your pardon in her singing gave permission,
٢٩. ترجوك عفواً وإن كانت مقصرةً
فإن عفوك في انشادها أذنا
30. And stay safe in a supreme position of nobility,
Guarded by the Highest who knows no belittlement.
٣٠. واسلم ودم في مقامٍ شامخٍ شرفاً
يرعاك طرف العلى لا يعرف الوسنا
31. This is the timeline that has come dated,
With its Sheikh Ahmed, the Pillar of Islam, our years!
٣١. هذي السيادة قد جاءت مؤرخةً
بشيخهِ أحمد الإسلام حاط سنا