
You came radiant, with beauty-marks upon your cheek,

أقبلت تنجلى وفي الخد شامه

1. You came radiant, with beauty-marks upon your cheek,
Alluring all who saw you or got a whiff of your scent.

١. أقبلت تنجلى وفي الخد شامه
تستبي كل من راه وشامه

2. Between the lines of your perfect form and slender sword,
Were eyes that cast their glances on high over the eyelids.

٢. بين خطي قامة وحسامٍ
من جفون أربت على الصمصامه

3. You arched an eyebrow, so it became a bow,
With which you targeted the hearts of lovers.

٣. زججت حاجباً فأصبح قوساً
فأراشت للعاشقين سهامه

4. You revealed a smile that made my eyes overflow
With copious tears when I saw your grin.

٤. وجلت مبسماً تفيض جفوني
درّ دمعٍ إذا رأيت ابتسامه

5. You shamed the rose and its gardens, so it turned
Crimson, with shredded petals around its skirt.

٥. أخجل الورد وجنتاها فأضحى
ذا احمرارٍ مشققاً أكمامه

6. You flirted with us though love lay in ambush within us,
And so proclaimed the passion of every infatuated man.

٦. غازلتنا والحب فينا كمينٌ
فأذاعت من كل صب غرامه

7. The flirtatious one stroked with gentle tremors,
Bringing the branches to rise in ovation.

٧. لاعب الدل عطفها باهتزازٍ
فأقامت على الغصون القيامه

8. You bared a white complexion with the blackness of an eyelid,
And conquered us unjustly with your most virtuous form.

٨. جرّدت أبيضاً بأسود جفنٍ
وغزتنا ظلماً بأعدل قامه

9. The magic of your eyes intoxicated, so you lent
A day of drunkenness to the lovers without wine.

٩. اسقم السحر طرفها فأعارت
يوم بينٍ للعاشقين سقامه

10. If I saw the fawn-like one, the rose cheeks or the mole,
Eyes would steal glances, though a sign of censure.

١٠. من عذيري بظبية ورد خدّيها
لفتك العيون أو في علامه

11. You secretly commit forbidden acts with the softness of a waist
That entices elders even though you’re but a lad.

١١. تسترق النهى برقة خصرٍ
يستفزُّ الأشياخ وهي غلامه

12. Oh companion, you’ve become one who blames the passion!
You know not love, so cease your blaming.

١٢. يا خلياً أضحى يلوم شجياً
لست تدري الهوى فخلّ الملامه

13. Behind the veil lies a crescent moon,
A full moon when you lift your covering.

١٣. ومحيا تحت اللثام هلالٌ
وهو بدرٌ إذا أزاحت لثامه

14. If you saw those eyes intoxicated,
You would walk away drunk without a cup.

١٤. لو رأيت العيون وهي سكارى
رحت ذا سكرةٍ بغير مدامه

15. Or you’d see the shining upper chest
Allowed close, embracing it and pressing.

١٥. أو ترى الفرقد المنير بصدرٍ
سمحت بالنفس ضمه والتثامه

16. Love has a pleasure none have tasted
Who only befriend greetings of peace.

١٦. إن للحب لذةً لم يذقها
من تولى عليه حبُّ السلامه

17. How can I forget the cooing pigeon who came to gift
Glances, fearing the spies, in peace?

١٧. كيف أنسى مهفهفا جاء يهدي
بلحاظٍ خوف الوشاة سلامه

18. When my cheek borrowed hue from my blood,
It increased its beauty along with its peace.

١٨. عندمي الخد عن دمي سل خضاباً
زاد حسناً بنانه وسلامه

19. Of the Turkish gazelles, a graceful gazelle
Who seduced the Arab when it swayed its body.

١٩. من ظباءِ الأتراك ظبيٌ رشيقٌ
فتن العرب حين هز قوامه

20. Strangely, its brow is a night and a dawn!
How can the dawn not erase its darkness?

٢٠. عجباً في الجبين ليلٌ وصبحٌ
وكيف لا ينسخ الصباح ظلامه

21. Oh you who conquered hearts with a singleglance,
May God extend your life, for you have captured souls.

٢١. يا غزالاً غزا القلوب بلحظٍ
عمرك اللَه قد سلبت الكرى مه

22. Strive to meet the generous one with a soul,
Too noble are you to refuse nobility.

٢٢. جد بوصلٍ على الكريم بنفسٍ
لو حالٍ حاشاك تأبى الكرامه

23. I asked not about passion though the beauty in you
Suffices, of the most righteous stature.

٢٣. ما سلوت الهوى وحقُّ جمالٍ
فيك وافٍ وذي ابرُّ قسامه

24. Oh my regret, while times assist,
Eras have no lasting covenants.

٢٤. يا ندامايَ والزمان موافٍ
ما لدهرٍ على العهود استقامه

25. Where is the bygone covenant and passing era
Between the lion of evil and the deer of aspirations?

٢٥. أين عهدٌ مضى وعصرٌ تقضى
بين أسد الشرى وغزلان رامه

26. If the age were to wake from the sublimity of its generosity,
It would tear apart its shackles, weeping and regretting.

٢٦. لو صحا الدهر من سلافة جودٍ
شقَّ أطواقه بكىً وندامه

27. How can it wake when at worst it has hardened
And become less generous than a maternal uncle’s son?

٢٧. كيف يصحو وبأقل صار قسّا
وغدا ما درٌ يعيب ابن مامه

28. Every ugly woman has claimed beauty,
As perfection retreated along with its guide.

٢٨. وادّعت بالجمال كل لكاعٍ
وتوارت بثينةٌ وأمامه

29. And it was said of the rose, “This is rubbish,”
And said of the moon, “This is but a crust.”

٢٩. وعن الورد قيل هذا قثاءٌ
وعن البدر قيل هذي قلامه

30. May God decree that an era be generous
Where the perfect cannot attain their hopes.

٣٠. قدّر اللَه ان يجود زمانٌ
لم ينل فيه ذو الكمال مرامه

31. The elite are envied just like the precious pearl
Scattered on the necks of steeds and their reins.

٣١. حسد الفاضل مثلما حسد الدريّ
منثور فارس ونظامه

32. A poet who shames Al-Farazdaq in his poetry
And an eloquent man who makes you forget Al-Qadami.

٣٢. شاعرٌ يخجل الفرزدق شعراً
وبليغ ينسيك ذكر قدامه

33. He has come with literary ingenuity in rhymes
Fortified against the blows of eloquence with its protections.

٣٣. قد أتى بالبديع تحت قوافٍ
حصنتها من البلاغة لامه

34. With gentle, beautiful, intoxicating meanings,
Each line shining from beneath its cover.

٣٤. بمعانٍ مخدراتٍ جمانٍ
كل عشر يشرقن من تحت ذامه

35. A horseman, if the steed neighs for those poems,
Shames the noble horsemen and their swords.

٣٥. فارس إن نضا اليراع لنظمٍ
أخجل الفارس المجيد حسامه

36. You know not whether that is magic of rhetoric
Or sublimity when reciting his words.

٣٦. لست تدري أذاك سحر بيان
أم سلاف إذا تلوت كلامه

37. The inspired one, twin of brilliance, a literate man,
Though accused, he is virtuous, an erudite scholar.

٣٧. المعيّ أخو الذكاءِ أديب
لوذعيٌّ بل فاضلٌ علّامه

38. The stars of his words rose shining pearls
When they came smoothly flowing from his pen.

٣٨. مشرقات الألفاظ أطلعن دراً
حين جاءَت سطيعةً أقلامه

39. A letter has come to me from him that healed
The anguish of my heart and its afflictions.

٣٩. قد أتاني منه كتاب فاشفى
من فؤادي غليله وأوامه

40. Every lover sees the letter of the beloved,
From afar, as though it were a mark of union.

٤٠. كل صبّ يرى كتاب حبيب
بعد بعد كأنّه شام لامه

41. Oh friend, gift to the lover a cheek
Built by excellent, lofty poems.

٤١. يا خليلا أهدي إلى الصب خوداً
بنت نظم غراء ذات سامه

42. She appears beautiful through literary devices,
So every wise soul inclines toward her.

٤٢. تتجلى بالبديع حسناً فيصبو نحوها
كل عالم فهامه

43. May God grant you long life, for you have come with a full moon,
Before which speech stands in place of its station.

٤٣. عمرك اللَه قد أتيت بدرٍ
يقوم الكلام نظماً مقامه

44. If I complained of fate, it is a fate
That knows not the difference of generosity or affliction.

٤٤. إن دهرا شكوته هو دهرٌ
ليس يدري كرامه اسقامه

45. Betrayal has taken its trait, so imagine it
An enemy even if its flags are high.

٤٥. أخذ الغدر شيمة فحلاه
إن نراه مخاصماً أعلامه

46. Ill-natured, so it acts as an adversary against itself,
Giving the palm of decline permanence.

٤٦. ساءَ طبعاً حتى على ذاته جار
فأعطى كف الزوال دوامه

47. Be well, for He who created mankind
Is abundant in His creation and His blessings.

٤٧. كن سليماً فإن من فطر النا
س مفيض في خلقه أنعامه

48. And promise yourself that an era will come
That makes the garden envious of its days.

٤٨. وعد النفس إن سيأتي زمانٌ
تحسد الروض بهجة أيامه

49. This is Ghadah who came to you with a beauty
That steals away the beauty of lads before it.

٤٩. هذه غادة أتتك بحسنٍ
يسترق الغلام حسنا أمامه

50. A poem you have adorned with your generosity
Which perfumed its beginning and end with beauty.

٥٠. بنت نظم قد زانه منك فضلٌ
عم بالحسن بدأه وختامه