1. Be gentle with your captive, oh Beautiful One
For the body has become but a drawing
١. رفقا بأسيرك يا أسما
فالجسم لقد أضحى رسما
2. And your love's infant in bewilderment
And your distance has made him sick
٢. ورضيع هواك في وله
وبعادك أورثه سقما
3. The full moon smiles
As if the sun is its mother
٣. تذري بالبدر إذا ابتسمت
فكأن الشمس لها أمّا
4. Haifa appears at night
Her smile illuminates the darkness
٤. هيفاء إذا ظهرت ليلا
تجلي بمحياها الظلما
5. She captivates minds when she comes to thought
And when she speaks, she captivates worries
٥. تسبي الألباب إذا خطرت
وإذا نطقت تسبي الهما
6. My nearness is for the one in passion
Who is content with the union, even if imagined
٦. مني القرب لذي شجن
يرضى بالوصل ولو وهما
7. Your beauty would not be harmed if you bent
Your glance to the sorrowful one, for a day
٧. ما ضر جمالك لو عطفت
عطفاك على المضنى يوما
8. By Allah, your alluring eyebrows
That shot arrows from the eye's glances
٨. للَه حواجبك اللاءي
من جفن اللحظ رمت سهما
9. And your smooth forehead that was adorned
By the softness of your cheek
٩. وجبين الصلط وطرته
نعمان الخد به نمّا
10. And the freckles on your temple that crept
They stung my heart, oh Beautiful One
١٠. وعقارب صدغ قد درجت
لدغت لفؤادي يا أسما
11. And the tumultuous curve of your symmetrical lips
A necklace of coral it has regulated
١١. وبلؤلوء ثغر منتظم
عقد المرجان له نظما
12. And your rosy cheeks and dimples
And the scent of your mouth when it smiles
١٢. ومحيّاها وثناياها
وبعطر الفم إذا نمّا
13. And the red wine of your saliva you have pressed
From musk in the mouth of the beloved
١٣. ومدامة ريق قد عصرت
من مسك في ثغر المي
14. And the crescent of your chest and the night of your hair
And the softness of your waist when they come together
١٤. وهلال الصدر وليل الشعر
ولين الخصر إذا انضما
15. I have not coveted anyone but you or
Longed for Mayya or Salma
١٥. ما همت بغير هواك ولا
اشتاق لميّ أو سلمى
16. Or coveted a gazelle or full moon
For your beauty surpasses them all
١٦. أو همت بظبي أو بدر
فجمالك كلهما عمّا
17. It is enough estrangement, for how much
Injustice you show with your coldness, oh Beautiful One
١٧. كفي الهجران فكم تبدي
ن بصدك يا اسما ظلما
18. For the tears of passion have poured down
Like a call upon me - who will respond?
١٨. فدموع الصبّ لقد هطلت
كنداء عليّ لمن امّا
19. The happiest of people, if you were to
Make the horizons his greatest realm
١٩. الأسعد قوما ان نسبَت
أمرا الافاق له العظمى
20. He has reached the highest aspirations with his resolve
And ascended its sublimities with his wisdom
٢٠. بلغ العلياء بهمته
وسما بمعاليها حزما
21. We have prolonged descriptions of his achievements
So speak at length, oh friend, whatever you wish
٢١. بثنا أوصاف مآثره
اطنب يا صاح وقل مهما
22. With his generosity, clouds of favor have poured down
And abundant blessings
٢٢. شهم بسماحته هطلت
سحبان النعمة والنعما
23. If Hatim had seen but some of
His munificence, he would not have been troubled by sorrow
٢٣. لو حاتم ابصر بعضا من
جدواه لا طرق ذا غما
24. A lion, but to one who seeks him
He shows gentleness
٢٤. أسدٌ لكن لقاصده
يبدي بمكارمه حلما
25. Go, oh friend, to his meadow
If you are oppressed or persecuted
٢٥. عرّج يا صاح لروضته
ان مسّك ضيم او تضما
26. You will find the leaders in his court
And see the poets gathered there
٢٦. تلقى الأمراء بساحته
وترى الشعراء بها جما
27. And his boundless generosity obtains abundant reward
And how much excellence has come to him
٢٧. وعميم البذل ينيل الجزل
وكم ذي الفضل أتى لما
28. He quenches the thirsty with his comfort
And with his early rising, he quenches the thirsty
٢٨. يروي الظمأن براحته
وبكرّته يروي الشما
29. How much he has repelled hostility in the place of goodwill
And with his spear, he has repelled a foe
٢٩. كم أردى الضد محل الجد
ورمح رد به خصما
30. A lion, if he faced the enemies
With his heels, he would not ask about them
٣٠. ليث ان جال لدى الأعدا
بكعوب لاتسأل عما
31. Where is the frowning one, and what is Amr
Weigh for him, oh friend, a portion
٣١. أين العبسيّ وما عمرو
رجج يا صاح له قسما
32. How much pride he gained when he
Fought and amassed wealth at the shooting range
٣٢. كم فخر نال إذا ما صا
ل وجمع مال لدى المرمى
33. Indeed, his enemies have testified
Whenever his procession is recalled with defiance
٣٣. ان الأعداء له شهدت
مذ كر بموكبهم رغما
34. On a thoroughbred steed
You'd think the wind was his turban
٣٤. من فوق جواد منجرد
فتخال الريح له عمّا
35. And lightning shows you his charge
And in his youth, the stars
٣٥. ويريك البرق بعدوته
وبغرته طرق النجما
36. For he is the intrepid hero, and no wonder
And Abu Al-Araqub as he is called
٣٦. فهو اليعبوب ولا عجب
وأبو العرقوب كما يسمى
37. If he faced the frenzied, no
Enemy would meet him in peace
٣٧. ان جال لدى الهيجاء فلا
تلقى الأعداء به سلما
38. And Ali is the lion of death, and how much
Greatness he accomplished with the sword of bloodshed
٣٨. وعلي ليث الفتك وكم
بحسام السفك بري عظما
39. How many groups he destroyed with his blade
With wounds, and how many champion archers
٣٩. كم أفنى جمعا باتره
بالنقع وكم بطل أرمى
40. Oh sun of fortune and his might
Oh full moon of beauty so perfect
٤٠. يا شمس السعد وعزته
يا بدر جمال قد تما
41. My Master, your sublime stature shows
Innovation in your praise, expressed in verse
٤١. مولاي الى علياك بدت
بكر بثناك حلت نظما
42. A maiden transfixed in shyness
In your position of such noble rank
٤٢. عذراء تمادت في خجل
بمقامك ذا القدر الأسمى
43. But in praising you I have surpassed
Myself with your imagination, oh Beautiful One
٤٣. لكن بمدحك قد فاقت
مني بخيالك يا اسما