
The serenity flowed and quenched

جرى الصفاء فأروى

1. The serenity flowed and quenched
The thirst of the people with its roses

١. جرى الصفاءُ فأروى
ظما الأنام بورده

2. Serenity offered and enriched
A brother in need with its roses

٢. أهدى الصفاءَ وأغنى
أخا افتقار بورده

3. Serenity adorned the meadow
That prides itself on its roses

٣. كسى الصفاء خصاباً
يزهو افتخاراً بورده

4. It was sent as good tidings by a harbinger
Who revived the barren land with its outpour

٤. أجراه نعم بشيرٌ
أحيى القفار برفده

5. May the Most Generous reward it with goodness
And increase the brightness of its happiness

٥. جزاه ذو الطول خيراً
وزاد أشراق سعده