
The floppy-armed moon came bending,

جاء يثني عطفه الميد

1. The floppy-armed moon came bending,
Drawing lines - a gazelle marked by fate.

١. جاءَ يثني عطفه الميدُ
خوط بانٍ زانه الغيدُ

2. With a smile, and pearls just budding,
And folds of ease and coolness.

٢. باسماً والدر مبسمهُ
وحباب الراح والبردُ

3. Sorcerer of eyelids who sees not
A single one lacking his magic.

٣. ساحر الأجفان ليس يرى
خالياً من سحرها أحدُ

4. He lodged the Pleiades in his mantle
And Taurus eyed his watching-place.

٤. أودع الصهبا بمرشفه
وظبا ألحاظه الرصدُ

5. He rose up high over his garden
As I feel him do in my heart.

٥. اطعلت من فوق وجنته
مثلما في مهجتي أجدُ

6. A moon residing in the heart -
Leo his mansion, fate's decree.

٦. قمرٌ في القلب منزله
وغزالٌ برجه الأسدُ

7. Fires of his cheeks against my liver -
Never ceased, since the days of pining.

٧. نار خديه على كبدي
لم تزل يوم النوى تقدُ

8. Don't blame him if he sheds my blood,
No ransoming exists in Love's creed.

٨. لا تسله أن أراق دمي
ليس في شرع الهوى قودُ

9. Would that he'd pity me with his promise,
Don't blame him if he makes vows.

٩. ليته بالوعد يرحمني
لا تلمهُ لو به يعد

10. Since his beauty appeared,
My liver quarreled with my eyes about him.

١٠. مذ تجلى في محاسنه
خاصمت طرفي به الكبدُ

11. Indeed he relates grace,
As As'ad relates righteousness.

١١. قد روى عنه الجمال كما
قد روى عن اسعد الرشدُ

12. Majid - his noble father And the secret of the father is the son.
Rather, he attained glory and excellent praise,

١٢. ماجد ذو الفضل والدهُ
إنّ سرّ الوالد الولدُ

13. And his hands are generous in bounty.
In intelligence and forbearance - say what you will,

١٣. بل سما مجداً وطاب ثناً
ولهُ في الجود نعم يدُ

14. Every witness will confirm it.
O how valiant, brother of great resolve,

١٤. بالذكا والحلم قل وبما
شئت عنه يصدق السندُ

15. Like stars, his blossoms kindle.
Good fortune never ceased to accompany him

١٥. يا لهُ شهماً أخا هممٍ
كالنجوم الزهر تتقدُ

16. In gaining praise, excelling in magnanimity.
The Arabs bear witness to his eloquence,

١٦. لم يزل والسعد يصحبه
باكتساب الحمد يحتمدُ

17. And the Turks, they too testified for him.
O generous one who revived propriety,

١٧. اشهد العرب فصاحتهُ
وله الاتراك قد شهدوا

18. Known for loyalty and unity.
Take the art of verse praising

١٨. يا كريماً قد ذكى شيماً
عرفها بالوفاءِ متحد

19. And for it true love hands over.
Truly, fathers only miss

١٩. خذ فتاة النظم مادحةً
ولها الحب الوفي أيدُ

20. Their sons when absent or grown.
My salute to Suleiman - no moon was eclipsed

٢٠. إنما الأبا محبتهم
بالبنين الغرّ تفتقدُ

21. Or saddened when your aid appeared.

٢١. دم سليماً ما اضا قمرٌ
وارق عزاً جادك المددُ