
Why does she show affection towards me

ما بالها تبدي علي دلالها

1. Why does she show affection towards me
When she has collected her anklets with her bracelets

١. ما بالها تبدي عليّ دلالها
ولقد جمعت بخالها خلخالها

2. How can she seek me when she possesses beauty
And the harvest of her smiles and the moles on her cheeks

٢. أنى تعارض من تملك حسنها
وجنى مباسمها وقبل خالها

3. No mole or blindness or backbiter deterred me
From taking the path to her union

٣. ما عاقني عن شوطها خالٌ ولا
عمٌ ولا واش يعدّ وصالها

4. If she boasts of nobility, then I am its son
Or the grace of miracles, so her speech is empty

٤. ان فاخرت بكرامةٍ فأنا ابنها
أو فضل معجزةٍ فخل مقالها

5. But she came with praise for a generous glorious one
So the nobility of traits rewarded her beauty

٥. لكن أتت بمديح أكرم ماجدٍ
فأجازها كرم الصفات جمالها