1. Our star of glory shone in the sky
The Saudi star ascended in sovereignty
١. نجم الهنا والمجد اشرق في سما
فلك السعود وبالسيادة قد سما
2. The crescent of our joy illuminated
With its sublime light the sanctuary was honored
٢. وبدا هلال سرورنا فتنورت
بضيائه العلياء واعتز الحمى
3. The gentle breezes carried tidings
Of a planet that shone gracefully in the cradle
٣. وروت نسيمات الصفاء بشائرا
عن كوكب بالمهد اشرق منعما
4. The little moon chirped atop the throne
Of hopes, heralding success and peace
٤. وتغرد القمري فوق أريكة ال
آمال يخطب بالنجاح وسلما
5. A star shone in the horizon of glory
Its luminous tail told of a full moon
٥. لله نجم لاح في افق الثنا
يحكي بنور شهابه بدر السما
6. The days rejoiced when he arrived
In the home of glory, and time smiled
٦. سعدت به الأيام لما حل في
بيت المعالي والزمان من تبسما
7. Blessed are those lands that have blossomed
With the glory of a newborn graced with merit
٧. يا حبذا تلك الربوع لقد زهت
بسناء مولود له الفضل انتمى
8. He mounted the saddle of glory and soared
Cradled in the high throne, a star studded
٨. رشأ تمنطق بالسعادة واعتلى
متن العلى مهدا وقرط انجما
9. And bestowed goodness on all people
The lands were adorned and the milestones made sweet
٩. وعلى الأنام افاض خير بشارة
سمت الديار بها وطابت معلما
10. He quenched hearts with joy as though
His father’s palm refreshed them generously
١٠. وسقى القلوب مسرة فكانها
كف الأمير أبيه انعم مكرما
11. Al-Qasim the glorious protector in whom
Leadership was upheld and praise ensued
١١. القاسم المولى الهمام ومن به
ساد المقام وبالثناء تحكما
12. The stars of deeds adorned him with their blossoms
The floods were restrained and praises gained
١٢. شهم له زهر النجوم مآثرا
والسيل كفا والمحامد مغنما
13. His perfections wove for him
The cloak of awe that he wore gracefully
١٣. نسجت مكارمه له بكماله
ثوب المهابة فاكتساه منعما
14. Had he competed with al-Ta'i in generosity
He would have watered the meadows learning from him
١٤. لو شابه الطائي بمنح بذله
لروى الندى عنه ومنه تعلما
15. His insight coupled with great success
So he grasped sagacity decisively
١٥. قرنت فراسته بخير اصابة
فاستل منها بالنباهة محكما
16. He made simplicity his way though his lineage
Was the lofty ancestry he assumed
١٦. جعل السماك من الفخار محله
وعلى ذرى المجد الرفيع تسنما
17. With his construction and his teeth he rendered
Wealth and foes a divider and divided
١٧. ببنانه وسنانه للمال وال
أعداء أصبح قاسما ومقسما
18. How many dark days his palms dispelled
And his white sword served in war
١٨. كم أبعدت كفاه أسود فاقة
واستخدمت بالحرب أبيض مخدما
19. Never did his sharp blade ask the shabby houses
Except to water the land with hot blood
١٩. ما سل باتره بيوت عريكة
الا واسقى الأرض هتان الدما
20. A lion cub, when his father's gifts are mentioned
In the barren meadows, he makes fertile seasons
٢٠. شبل اذا ذكرت هبات ابيه في
جدب الرياض تراه اخصب موسما
21. He is the bearer of good news, and whoever
Reads his name, the afflicted becomes felicitous
٢١. فهو البشير ومن اذا قرأ اسمنه
ذو العسر اصبح بالياسر معمما
22. The Lord blessed him with a predecessor who dispelled darkness
With the rising star of his fortunate lineage
٢٢. أنعم به من ماجد كشف الدجى
بشهاب طالعه السعيد تكرما
23. What is rain in its descent, what is the lion in its attack
What is the pearl where it forms
٢٣. ما الغيث عند نواله ما الليث عند
نزاله ما الدر حيث تكلما
24. I wish for him and his son the best prayers
And compose praise with lyrics
٢٤. اهدي له ولنجله خير الدعا
واصوغ مدحا بالهناء تنظما
25. Congratulations leader faithful to
The bounty the God bestowed upon you
٢٥. هنئت يا ذا القاسم الوافي بما
جاد الإله به عليك وانعما
26. A son through whom we gained wishes and purpose
And increased the prosperity of the covenant
٢٦. نجل به نلنا التهاني والمنى
وأضا به سعد الامانة مبمسا
27. Raise him well in security
And dress him in the garb of glorious might
٢٧. انشاه بأريه بخير سلامة
وكساء مجدك ثوب عز معلما
28. And may God facilitate for you brothers for him
And make him a grandfather with dignity
٢٨. ويسرك المولى بإخوان له
وتراه جدا بالوقار مكرما
29. And delight in your children and see him
In your history a conqueror of epic battles
٢٩. وتسر من أبنائه وتراه في
تاريخه قهار ضد ملحما