1. A people of fine loyalty their trait
Their generosity on days of giving like heavy rain
١. قومٌ لهم حسن الوفا شيمة
وبذلهم يوم العطايا كسَو
2. They are clouds bursting with generosity from their palms
Except for those who draw near their sanctuary and dwell
٢. نؤُ سحاب فاض من كفهم
جودا إلا أدن من حماهم ورو
3. Quench the burning thirst of your heart, O aggrieved one
And cheer happily while wandering their abode
٣. روّي لظى قلبك ياذا الظما
في برجهم وأمرح هناء بدو
4. Their path is smooth like their character
No stubborn nature in them when it comes to peace
٤. الدو سهل مثل أخلاقهم
ما فيهم بالسلم طبع كلو
5. Yet it's hard to attain their loftiness
Upon them a full moon rises through their atmosphere
٥. كلو صعبٌ نيل علياهم
عليّهم بدرٌ تلالا بجو
6. The atmosphere of generosity is familiar to them
Sending gifts despite their overflowing virtue
٦. جو سماء البذل جون لهم
يهدي السنا عن فضهلم ضو
7. The rays of their love shine
Telling the lost: visit their glow
٧. ضوءُ شعاع لاح في حبهم
يقول للحادي إذا زار ضو
8. They were prided as the highest of the pleased
Never refusing or saying "if only" when asked to give
٨. سموا فخاراً في عليّ الرضى
ما قال لا منعا ولا قال لو
9. If the Nile of their palms poured forth generously
It would revive barren, withered remains if only a drop
٩. لو جاد منعا في ندى كفه
أحيى هشيما يابسا فيه لو
10. If one day they bent the neck of adversity
High ambitions would yearn for their compassion
١٠. لوى عنان الضد يوما به
ترنو العوالي عاطفات بأو
11. Had they not been aware of the clashing of swords
Their people's blood never would have been shed
١١. إلا واعيا ءُ اشتباك القنا
لما سيوف القوم دما همَو
12. They set out with their feet on the path
Like lightning flashing through the darkness
١٢. هموا بأقدام على ضمر
في سيرهم برق الغوادي حكو
13. If you do not understand, ask about them
The summits and gazelles will tell what they have heard
١٣. ان كنت لا تفهم سل عنهم
سمر العوالي والظبا ما حكو
14. A people who rival fate in generosity
However much fate gave, they gave more in return
١٤. قوم نضاهي الأصمي فيهم
من حيث ضاهوا معن فيما عطو