
Joy to you, and our joy is through you,

هناء لديكم والهناء بكم لنا

1. Joy to you, and our joy is through you,
Beautiful one, and who else could bring joy but you?

١. هناءً لديكم والهناءُ بكم لنا
جميل وهل يسمو بغيركم الهنا

2. O you of virtue, your Master has granted you status,
For you are worthy of it, and you are my wish from it.

٢. يا الخير قد أولاك مولاك رتبةً
فانت لها أهلٌ وأنت لهامنى

3. Your existence brings safety to people and comfort,
And your comfort is generosity, bounty, and wealth.

٣. وجودك أمن للأنام وراحةٌ
وراحتك الهتانة الجود والغنى

4. The noble rejoiced in you, their smiles blossomed,
And the days became radiant and youthful.

٤. تهنّت بك العلياءُ وافتر ثغرها
وأصبحت الأيام ضاحية السنا

5. The abode of glory prevailed when you became its lord,
Through his grace, time has become benevolent.

٥. وساد مقام المجد إذ كنت سيداً
بإحسانه قد أصبح الدهر محسنا

6. Due to your lineage the brilliant star of praises
Rose high in the sky of pride.

٦. لنسبتك الغرا شهاب محامدٍ
بدا في سماءِ الفخر مرتفع السنا

7. You inherited nobility, glorious and son of the glorious,
So none were more splendid than you in this legacy and more excellent.

٧. ورثت المعالي ماجداً وابن ماجدٍ
فما كان أبهى ذا التراث واحسنا

8. May God give you a Master who attained great feats,
Rising high in rank, manifest in bounty and grace.

٨. لك اللَه من مولىً سما بماثرٍ
تسامت سمواً ظاهر الفضل بينا

9. He came to the Exalted with justice, generosity, and loyalty,
A bearer of good tidings, so he increased in elevation and adornment.

٩. أتى للعلى بالعدل والبذل والوفا
بشيراً فزادت رفعةً وتزيّنا

10. And came as a warner to the enemies grimly,
Without the souls of opponents and adversaries relenting.

١٠. وجاء نذيراً للعداة باسمرٍ
بغير نفوس الخصم والضد ما انثنى

11. Ardent through him time was generous to people,
So they would forgive time for what it had perpetrated.

١١. همامٌ به جاد الزمان على الورى
لكي يغفروا للدهر ما كان قد جنى

12. Content, rightly-guided, endowed with success and determination,
Without needing to earn praise and glory he did not strive.

١٢. سعيدٌ رشيدٌ ذو نوالٍ وهمةٍ
بغير اكتساب الحمد والمجد ما اعتنى

13. He saw wealth does not last, and praises do,
So he wasted the treasures of wealth and hoarded praise.

١٣. رأى المال لا يبقى وتبقى محامدٌ
فافنى كنوزُ المال واكتنز الثنا

14. Thus he saw no courtesans but the emancipated,
No singers except those chaste of voice.

١٤. فليس يرى غير العتاق جوارياً
ولا كاعباتٍ غير مهزوزة القنا

15. O you who are favored, do not rejoice in a robe
Whose beauty the might and victory made manifest.

١٥. لا أيها المفضال تهنى بخلعة
أتى حسنها بالعز والنصر معلنا

16. An ornament of destined fortune that arrived
Proclaiming the pride in being matched with the worthy.

١٦. حليلة قدرٍ بالسعادة أقبلت
تنادي افتخار قد حظينا بكفؤنا

17. So it greeted and showed with rule and permanence,
Praying for it fortune and glory perpetually.

١٧. فحيت وابدت بالسيادة والبقا
دعاءً عليه السعد والمجد أمّنا

18. Your joy, my Master, fulfills our hearts,
With joy, and gifted us congratulations and delight.

١٨. سرورك يا مولاي أملى قلوبنا
سروراً واهدانا التهاني والهنا

19. It gave us cups mixed with honey and purity,
And for the envious, the aggrieved, the sullen, and the hostile.

١٩. سقانا كؤوساً مزجها لشهد والصفا
وللحاسدين والغبن والصاب والعنا

20. So pardon the honourable their offences graciously,
To you, and block off and make safe times and eras.

٢٠. فدم كابراً تهدي الكرام كرايماً
إليك وسد واسلم دهوراً وازمنا

21. And take from devoted hearts, praise
From servants who see in praising you the best pursuit.

٢١. وخذ بقلوبٍ مدحةً من خويدمٍ
عبيدٍ يرى في مدحكم خير مقتنى