1. The bringer of good tidings, whom time has generously bestowed,
Has excelled in glory, grace, and kindness,
١. إن البشير الذي جاد الزمان به
قد ساد بالمجد والإفضال واللطف
2. The fragrance of joy appeared in the felicity of his ascent,
Relating legends that begin "In the name of God" in scripture,
٢. بدا عذار البها في سعد طلعته
يحكي أساطير بسم الله في الصحف
3. God has made him great in estimation and adorned him,
Inscribing his beauty in the mantle of honor.
٣. الله عظمه قدرا وجملّه
أرخ زوينه في حلية الشرف