
The scholar built this school which enlightened the world

للعلم انشاها الذي عم الورى

1. The scholar built this school which enlightened the world
With compassion - unattainable is collecting it all

١. للعلم انشاها الذي عمّ الورى
بمراحمٍ هيهات يدرك جمعها

2. Our Sultan, the full moon of kings, the one with whom
The features shined when his light arose

٢. سلطاننا بدر الملوك ومن بهِ
زهت المعالم حين أشرق ربعها

3. Abdul Majeed the Just, the king with whom
The world was blessed, pure is his nature

٣. عبد المجيد العادل الملك الذي
سعدت به الدنيا سليماً طبعها

4. He who commanded the trustee, chief of his council
To establish it, thus he named it a promotion

٤. أمر الأمين رئيس مجلس عدله
في نصبها فسما بذلك رفعها

5. So may the Master sustain him and in its date
Affirm with a school an abundant benefit

٥. فأدامه المولى وفي تاريخها
أصدق بمدرسةٍ عميم نفعها