1. The book arrived, clearly written
About a beloved I loved but never saw
١. ورد الكتاب مصرحاً ومسطراً
بحديث محبوب عشقت ولم أرى
2. It came with roses that had a delightful fragrance
Whose love pained me and set me aflame
٢. وافى وكان وروده وردا لذي
ظلم المّ به الغرام واسعرا
3. So I broke its seal, and tears had often
Flowed before it, never to dry
٣. ففضضت منه ختامه ولطالما
فاضت دموع قبله لن تكرا
4. And I kissed its pages, so its cover shone
And I sipped a scented cup from its pure water
٤. ولثمت محياه فاشرق ثغره
ورشفت كاسا من لماه معطرا
5. I dedicate to yearning a youth enamored
Whose longing brought a scent like ambergris
٥. اهدي إلى المشاق نشأة مغرم
فاحت رياح الشوق منها عنبرا
6. Its lines were like the tresses of a gazelle
That shone from the braids of Caesar
٦. فكأن اسطره ذوائب غادة
هيفاء لاحت من ترائب قيصرا
7. Its pages were like the cheek of a beauty
Whose coquetry adorned it with vexation
٧. وكأن صفحته صفيحة وجه من
ملك الجمال بها العذار تعذّرا
8. Or as if its letters were pillows for eyes
That give exquisite and distilled perfume
٨. أو ان احرفه مراشف أعين
تعطي الرحيق معللا ومقطرا
9. The necklaces of its meanings left its prose
Like the smile of a beloved that gleamed pearls
٩. وقلائد العقيان خلت جمانه
او ثغر محبوب تبسمّ جوهرا
10. I cultivated over its clouds a cloud of eloquence
That if heard by Al-Kindi, would make him return
١٠. اربى على سحبان سحب فصاحة
لو شامها الكندي عاد موخرا
11. And likewise Ibn Sa'ida al-Ayyadi if he saw it
Would come back from it ashamed and concealing
١١. وكذا ابن ساعدة الايادي لو رآ
ه لعاد منه مخجلا متسترا
12. The gentle breeze was delicate in its meaning
As Al-Fawad witnessed to its merit when he read it
١٢. رق النسيم للطف معناه كما
شهد الفواد بفضله لما قرا
13. O Hasan, lightning from his cheek appeared
About Nasr Fathallah's victory shining news
١٣. يا حسن برق من محياه بدا
عن نصر فتح الله لاح مخبرا
14. Nasrallah's youth arose with zeal
And my heart refused to remember another
١٤. نشأت ينصر الله روح صبابة
وابى الفؤاد لغيرها ان يذكرا
15. A branch of Fathallah most fertile
In the garden of literature grew and bore fruit
١٥. فرع لفتح الله اينع مخصبا
بحديقة الأداب شب واثمرا
16. And so the name of my heart when it resembled his heart
The devotion of love built when it was drafted
١٦. ولذا اسم قلبي حين اشبه قلبه
فبناه صرف الحب لما ان طرا
17. So to you is ascribed virtue, O you whose love
Appeared to me and will never see or look at me
١٧. فاليك يعزى الفضل يا من لاح لي
منه الوداد ولن يراني ويبصرا
18. Come close to the abode where you were
And Nasrallah happily walked in it
١٨. قربا لدار كنت فيها وحبذا
الشهباء نصر الله فيها قد سرى
19. Alas for it when your dwellings were vacated
Luxuriously, and alas how abundant your remoteness
١٩. واهاً لها لما حللت ربوعها
رغداً وآها من بعادك اوفرا
20. If only there was no distance or intention
If only there was no crossing the shrine or treading
٢٠. يا ليت لا كان البعاد ولا النوى
يا ليت لاشط المزار ولا الذرى
21. Alas for the heat of remoteness, and how often
Remoteness has wronged the loved ones and fabricated
٢١. الواه من حر البعاد وطالما
جار البعاد على الأحبة وافترى
22. Take them, for the son of honor has brought
Missives of longing that deliver lines
٢٢. خذها لقد وافت من ابن كرامة
برسائل الأشواق تهدي الأسطرا
23. Informing you of my passionate love
Beyond the limit of what minds can grasp
٢٣. تنبيك عن حب سماعيّ الهوى
متجاوز حدّ القياس لدى الورى