
Joy has become beautiful in our meeting

أضحى الهناء جميلا في تلاقينا

1. Joy has become beautiful in our meeting
And our blamer has disappeared, angered and malignant

١. أضحى الهناء جميلا في تلاقينا
وغاب عاذلنا واغتاظ واشينا

2. And the caravan of the King of the Soul has come back from a journey
And the meadows are delighted with melodies guiding us

٢. وجاء ركب مليك الروح من سفر
واطرب العيس بالألحان حادينا

3. And the caller of human happiness has gotten up in rapture
And glory has flooded our plains with good tidings

٣. وقام داعي سرور الانس في طرب
وغمر العز بالبشرى صحارينا

4. And fortune has sung like a nightingale at dawn
And the leaves seem to be our whispers

٤. وغرّد السعد كالقمري في سحر
والورق ساجعةٌ تبدو أفانينا

5. And the wind has come telling of joys
The fragrant scent of a secret dawn spreading through our valleys

٥. وجاءت الريح بالأفراح راوية
شذاء عطر سرى صبحا بوادينا

6. And the wings of darkness recoiled from the moon
Its radiance makes our regions tremble

٦. وانكف جنح الدجا مذبان عن قمر
اضحت بإشراقه تزهز نواحينا

7. Its light tried to cover the nights so it appeared
Like the dawn, its illumination clarifying and explaining for us

٧. رامت تغطي الليالي نوره فبدا
كالصبح زمادته إيضاحاً وتبيينا

8. This pleases me and makes me most fortunate with what
Comes to show, is there anyone who can equal us?

٨. هذا عليّ الرضى والأسعدي بما
وافى يشير به هل من يضاهينا

9. This prince who pleased the Most High
Until by his elevation, consolation came upon us

٩. هذا الأمير الذي العليا به ابتهجت
حتى هناءً بعلياه تهادينا

10. Since the brave hero arrived, glory arose in it for him
And his merit beyond what elevates us became evident

١٠. مذ حل جلق قام المجد فيها له
وبان عن فضله مما يسامينا

11. And he set out with intentions for the Roman coast
That implied honor and enablement

١١. وسار للساحل الرومي في همم
سنية فحوى عزاً وتمكينا

12. Glory called him at dawn to attain wishes
Good fortune answered him from its heights faithfully

١٢. دعا له المجد في نيل المنى سحرا
أجابه السعد من أعلاه أمينا

13. Of a crescent whose emergence made people love it
And God increased its beauty with adornments

١٣. ذو غرةٍ حببت للناس طلعتها
وزادها اللَه بالأنوار تزيينا

14. And when its grace enveloped every region
The people of high status became his loving supporters

١٤. وحين عم بفضل كل ناحية
قامت لديه بنو العليا محبينا

15. The rain of his generosity and the shelter of his field
So how much do we gain from his cup of purity?

١٥. غيثُ سماحته والغوث ساحته
فكم نعاطي بها من كاس صافينا

16. His principles are benign, his virtues abound
The father of excellences, our excellences grieved through him

١٦. طابت معالمه جادت مكارمه
أبو المعالي به حزنا معالينا

17. And how much we gained by attaining some of his gifts
Generosity, and how many of its traces appeared in us

١٧. وكم ظفرنا بنيل من مواهبه
جودا وكم برزت آثاره فينا

18. So these are grants from his Master, He perfected them
With rulings of gentleness, may God exalt our Creator

١٨. فهذه منح مولاه أحكمها
أحكام لطف فجل اللَه بارينا

19. So there is no discomfort, frowning, or harm
That reached us from the congratulations we attained

١٩. فلا معدّ ولا عبس ولا مضر
نالوا الذي قد بلغنا من تهانينا

20. This laudable one whom praise saddened for him
And grace enveloped all of our near and far

٢٠. هذا السني الذي حزنا الثناء به
وعمنا الفضل قاصينا ودانينا

21. Through him we rose above the height of high peaks and if
We witness war, our eyes witness him there

٢١. به سمونا على هام السماك وإن
نشهد قتالا فيمناه عيانينا

22. Ask the heights, and ask the secrets of grandeur, and ask
The nights' darkness, and ask about him from our records

٢٢. سل المعالي وسل سمر العوالي وسل
سود الليالي وسل عنه الدواوينا

23. From the Aseed family, destined for fortune, from
Noble folk, lauded by us for the Most High

٢٣. من آل أسعد مخطوب السعادة من
قوم كرام إلى العلياء مجدينا

24. Ask the spears, and ask the plains of separation, and ask
The day of struggle, and ask about him from our enemies

٢٤. سل الرماح وسل بيض الصفاح وسل
يوم الكفاح وسل عنه أعادينا

25. O Most High, he attained the lofty summit and came
With victory, following the signs of our founder

٢٥. أيا عليا سما سامي العلى واتى
بالنصر مقتفيا آيات ياسينا

26. Take it with pardon, I quickly composed it
For a meadow of merit whose fruits we picked as we walked

٢٦. خذها بعفو لقد وافقت على عجل
لروض فضل قطفنا منه ماشينا

27. How many noble people beautifully composed poetry
About your generosity before me in our records

٢٧. كم أهل فضل بديع بالثنا نظموا
باب جودك من قبلي دواوينا

28. But it came to tell us with joy:
Joy has become beautiful in our meeting

٢٨. لكنها بالهنا جاءت تقول لنا
أضحى الهناء جميلا في تلاقينا