
God has a gray mare whose eyes are made of rubies and coral

لله أسبرة غراء قد جعلت

1. God has a gray mare whose eyes are made of rubies and coral
Its graceful neck emerges from its collar bright as a shining moon

١. للَّه أسبرةٌ غراءُ قد جعلت
أحداقها من يواقيت ومرجان

2. It wanders in my gown of beauty and benevolence
Its dawn-like chest and pre-dawn wings as dark as night

٢. براقة الجيد من قرناسها خرجت
تتيه في بردتي حسنٍ وإحسان

3. A shooting star, its beak bloodied from one with no armor
Its master, the herald of good news, continues to be adorned

٣. لها من الصبح صدرٌ مشرقٌ وكذا
من الظلام قبيل الفجر جنحان

4. With the highest glory and stature
And it remains in his service, for as long as the leaves sing songs atop the branches

٤. شهباءُ ماضية المنسار راحتها
مخضوبةٌ بدمٍ من ال حجلان

٥. لا زال صاحبها المولى البشير تضي
سعوده برفيع العز والشان

٦. ولا تزال له العلياءُ خادمةٌ
ما صادح الورق غنى فوق أفنان