1. The garden revealed a smile
At the bloom of the flowers
١. الرَّوضُ أبْدَى ابْتِسامْ
عنْ يانعِ الزَّهرِ
2. When the tears of the rain
Became harmonious
٢. لَّما غَدَتْ في انْسِجامْ
مدامعُ القَطْرِ
3. The light of the petals opened
From its lips
٣. وافْتَرَّ نَوْرُ الأقاحْ
عَنْ ثَغرهِ الشَّنِبِ
4. And the branches were at ease
Dancing in rapture
٤. والقُضْبُ ذاتُ ارتياحْ
للرَّقْصِ من طَرَبِ
5. Give them like the dawn
The precious pearls
٥. فهاتِها كالصَّباحْ
دُرِّيَّةَ الحبَبِ
6. If the seal was opened
And an awakened one walked by
٦. إنْ فُضَّ عَنها الخِتامْ
وطارقٌ يَسري
7. He would see the beauty of darkness
Like the clearness of dawn
٧. رأى بَهْيمَ الظَّلامْ
كواضحِ الفَجْرِ
8. A gazelle with a growling soul
Lions pay attention to it
٨. بالنَّفْسِ ظَبْيٌ غَرِيرْ
تَعْنُو لهُ الأُسدُ
9. Its reflection a shining full moon
Brought out by good fortune
٩. مرآهُ بدرٌ مُنيرْ
أطْلَعَهُ السَّعدُ
10. On the horizon of a similar branch
That is about to bend
١٠. فِي أُفقِ غُصْنٍ نَضيرْ
يكادُ يَنْقَدُّ
11. And where is the full moon of perfection
Compared to my full moons
١١. وأينَ بدرُ التَّمامْ
من وَجْنَتَيْ بَدري
12. Or where is the bud of concealment
From his precious mouth
١٢. أمْ أيْنَ زهرُ الكِمامْ
مِن ثَغْرِه الدرّي
13. I sacrifice myself for the one
Whose heart I long for
١٣. أفْدِيهِ مِنْ مُغْرِضِ
قَلْبي له مَثْوى
14. My passion requires
My patience for what he desires
١٤. وَجْدِي به يَقْتَضي
صَبْري لِمَا يَهْوى
15. I am pleased with him
And he tries me
١٥. مِنِّي لَهُ ما رَضي
ومِنْهُ لي البَلْوى
16. His separation made me sick
When he was content with leaving me
١٦. أغرى بِجِسْمي السَّقامْ
لمَّا ارْتَضَى هَجْري
17. Be gentle with the desperate one
And have mercy, you will get my reward
١٧. رِفقاً عَلَى المُسْتهامْ
وارحَمْ تَنَلْ أجْرِي
18. Oh you who disappointed me in love
When will you be seen as a supporter?
١٨. يا خاذِلي في الهَوى
مَتى تُرى ناصِرْ
19. Your coldness has toppled my strength
Oh you who moved away
١٩. قد هَدَّ مني القُوى
صَدُّكَ يا هاجِرْ
20. Is this intent and separation
Your last?
٢٠. أما لِهذا النَّوى
والهَجْرِ من آخِرْ
21. I have sworn for this love
With the stand of patience
٢١. حَالَفْتُ فيكَ الغَرامْ
بِمَوْقِفِ الصَّبْرِ
22. That I will not forget the bridle
Of your love until the final gathering
٢٢. أنْ لسْتُ أنْسى ذِمامْ
هَواكَ لِلْحَشْرِ
23. My eyes denied sleep
And thoughts arose
٢٣. جَفا جُفوني الرُّقادْ
وساوَرَ الفِكْرُ
24. It's as if my bed
Was lit with embers
٢٤. كأن فَرْشِي قَتادْ
شُبَّ بها جَمْرُ
25. Why should I have patience
For your life?
٢٥. ما لِيْ عَلى ذا السُّهادْ
وعَيْشِكُمْ صَبْرُ
26. By the Lord of mankind
And the Mount And the Gathering
٢٦. أما ورَبِّ الأنامْ
والطُّورِ والحَشْرِ
27. If the night were a year
I would not sleep from my thoughts of you
٢٧. لو كانَ في اللَّيْلِ عامْ
مانِمْتُ من فِكري