
O you whose attributes have lifted me

يا من بأوصافه الحوالي

1. O you whose attributes have lifted me
To the heights of love that has encompassed me

١. يا مَنْ بِأوْصافِهِ الحَوالي
رِقِّيَ في الحُبِّ قَدْ حَوى لِي

2. The lights of your eternal gardens
Have brought me this passion and yearning

٢. أنْوارُ وَجْناتِكَ الجَوالي
جَلَبْنَ ذا الوَجْدَ والجَوى لي

3. And in the moisture of your lips is cure for me
Had you afflicted me with the daughters of high status

٣. وفي لَمَى ثغْرِكَ الدَّوا لي
لَوْ عَلَّني بِابنَةِ الدَّوالي

4. Why did you not make contentment my lot
In place of your turning away from me

٤. هَلّا جَعَلْتَ الرِّضى نَوالي
بَدِيْلَ إيلائكَ النَّوى لي

5. So the ultimate wish and object of my desire
Is if your pleasure could be attained by me

٥. فَغايةُ السؤل والمُنى لِي
لَوْ كانَ مِنْكَ الرِّضى مَنالِي