
Who shall excuse me, who shall aid me, who shall do me justice?

من عاذري من ناصري من منصفي

1. Who shall excuse me, who shall aid me, who shall do me justice?
This is my blood, shed by the daughter of the just man,

١. مَنْ عاذِري مَنْ ناصِري مَنْ مُنْصفي
هذا دَمي سَفكَتْهُ بِنْتُ المُنصِفِ

2. With a tender cheek like an Indian sword, finely sharpened,
And a slender form like a delicate branch, gracefully curved,

٢. بِفِرَنْدِ خَدٍّ كالحُسامِ مُذَرَّبٍ
وقَوامِ قَدٍّ كالقَناةِ مُثَقَّفِ

3. And glances from languid, heavily fringed eyelids,
That shoot the arrows of love from a hidden corner.

٣. وسِهامِ لحظٍ عَنْ قِسِيِّ حَواجبٍ
تَرْمي بِرِيْشِ الهِدْبِ مِنْ طَرفٍ خَفي

4. Her rosy fingers have shed this blood, and so they have become
Banners proclaiming the cheapness of her flirtatious ways.

٤. سَفكَتْ أنامِلُها الدِّماءَ فَقَدْ غَدَتْ
عَلَماً بِرَخْصِ بَنانِها المُطَّرِّفِ

5. Alas, Gazelle of the sand dunes, who has wronged me unjustly?
Who will do me justice against you?

٥. إيهٍ غُزَيِّلةَ الأراكِ مَنِ الَّذي
أغْراكِ بِي ظُلماً ولَمّا يُنْصِفِ

6. Did you think, when you traced the paths of aloofness,
That your people had changed and become unjust?

٦. أتُراكِ حِيْنَ سَبَرْتِ سُبْلَ تَصَبُّري
ألفَيتِ خِلَّكِ قد أحَلَّ ولم يَفِ

7. No, my attachment to you is natural,
I have become accustomed to it without affectation.

٧. كَلاّ انْطِباعي في هَواكِ طَبيعةٌ
أضْحى بِها كَلَفي بِغَيرِ تَكَلُّفِ

8. O sister of the radiant full moon, charm of the delicate branch,
And lady of the faithful heart!

٨. أَأُخيَّةَ البَدْرِ المُنيرِ وضرَّةَ ال
غصنِ النَّضير وربَّةَ القَلْب الوَفي

9. By God, you are the priceless treasure, were you to appear
To the sun, it would halt in its course and stand still.

٩. للهِ أنتِ مَهاةَ خِدْرٍ لو بَدتْ
للشَّمسِ حَيَّتْها ولَم تَتوقَّفِ

10. Haifaa, whom the breeze bends gently like the morning breeze,
She is too shy to reveal her morning beauty.

١٠. هَيفاءُ يَثْنِيها الصِّبا طَوعَ الصَّبا
تَلْتاحُ عن مِثلِ الصَّباحِ المُشْرِفِ

11. The smoothness of her body can be glimpsed through her clothes,
So her hidden charms are scarcely concealed.

١١. دُريَّةِ الجِسمِ استُشِفَّ أديُمها
فَيكادُ مُضْمَرُ سِرِّها لا يَختفي

12. The slenderness of her waist contrasts with the fullness of her hips -
What an imbalance between her shoulders and trunk!

١٢. لانَتْ أعالِيها لِغِلْظَةِ سُفْلِها
ياجَوْرَ رِدْفَيْها وحَمْلَ المعطفِ

13. A beauty who surpasses all adornment and ostentation,
Through the excellence of her beauty.

١٣. حَسناءُ قد جَلَّت بِفَضلِ جَمالِها
عَنْ زِينةٍ بِتَطَوُّقٍ وتَشَنُّفِ

14. A songstress whose singing surpasses the sweetest melody,
Through the charm of her song and the grace of her composition.

١٤. غَنَّاءُ مُغنِيةٌ بِحُسنِ غِنائِها
عَنْ لَذَّةِ المَغْنى وطيبِ المألفِ

15. If she begins to sing, the ears are held in longing,
If she appears, the eyes are fixed in wonder.

١٥. إنْ تَشْدُ فَالأسماعُ رَهْنُ تَشَوُّفٍ
أو تَبْدُ فالأبصارُ رَهْنُ توقُّفِ

16. She fills eyes and ears with a joy that is unparalleled -
Speak of this, then swear it is true!

١٦. مِلءُ المَسامِعِ والنَّواظِر بَهْجَةً
ما مِثلُها حدِّث بِذا ثُمَّ احْلِفِ

17. She is naturally disposed to win men's hearts, so her person
Is the desire of the lover and the delight of the admirer.

١٧. طُبِعَتْ على طَبْعِ النُّفوسِ فَشخصُها
قَصْدُ المُحِبِّ وطُرْفَةُ المُتَطرِّفِ

18. O sun of beauty, you have outshone the sun itself -
Reveal yourself or disappear as you wish!

١٨. يا شمسَ حُسْنٍ قَد شَدَتْ شَمْسَ الضُّحى
إن شئتِ فالتاحِي وإنْ شئتِ اخْتَفي

19. O you, whose dainty figure sways so gracefully,
Can any charm compare with your gentle ways?

١٩. ياخُوطةً مَهما انثَنتْ ثَنَتِ النُّهى
هل عَطْفةٌ تشفي صَبابَة مُتْلَفِ

20. Is there any hope for a lover unless it be you?
Indeed no, neither in life nor in the Holy Book!

٢٠. أوَما تَرِقُّ عَلى مُحِبٍّ مالَهُ
أملٌ سواكِ أجَلْ وما في المُصْحَفِ

21. Why can you not be kind, like your mantle?
Why can you not be just, like your noble father?

٢١. هَلّا اقْتديتِ بمعطَفيْكِ فَتَعطِفي
هَلّا ارْتَدَيْتِ حُلَى أبيكِ فَتُنْصِفي

22. You are not just, nor the daughter of a just man -
Passion lied if I called you daughter of the just man!

٢٢. ما أنتِ مُنصِفةٌ ولا ابْنَةُ مُنْصِفٍ
كَذبَ الهَوى إن كُنت بنْتَ المُنصِفِ