
The one in the striped robe was entranced by the rose

ووردية الجلباب أعجبها الورد

1. The one in the striped robe was entranced by the rose
She sang though she'd never been one for singing before

١. ووَرْدِيَّةِ الجلْبابِ أعْجَبَها الوَرْدُ
فغَنَّتْ وما بالغانِياتِ لَها عَهْدُ

2. She shows you the swaying of dancers when they bend
And plays the tunes of musicians when they sing

٢. تُرِيكَ اضْطِرابَ الرَّاقِصاتِ إذا انْثَنَت
وتُسمِعُ لَحْنَ المُسْمِعاتِ إذا تَشْدو

3. She came while the ground was strewn with brides
And on each branch of its flowers was a knot

٣. أتَتْ وبِطاحُ الأرضِ تُجْلى عَرائِساً
وفي كُلِّ غُصْنٍ مِنْ أزاهِرِهِ عِقْدُ

4. The world had revealed its beauty
So from each flower, a lip, and from each rose, a cheek

٤. وقَد أبدتِ الدُّنيا مَحاسِنَ وجْهِها
فَمِنْ زَهْرَةٍ ثَغْرٌ ومن وَردَةٍ خَدُّ

5. The sweet air aided her, and its abundance
The freshness of spring, the blessed place

٥. وساعَدَها طِيْبُ الهَواءِ وفَضْلُهُ
وفَصْلُ الرَّبيعِ الغَضُّ والمَنزِلُ السَّعْدُ

6. So she sang the song of drinking that quenched their thirst
And yearned with the yearning of love when passion appeared

٦. فَغَنَّتْ غِناءَ الشَّربِ أنْشَتْهُمُ الطِّلا
وَحَنَّتْ حَنينَ الصَّبِّ باحَ بهِ الوَجْدُ

7. Stirring dormant sorrow in every heart
For us the limit of love has been crossed

٧. أكُلّاً يُثِيرُ الوَجْدُ كامِنَ حُزنِهِ
لَقَدْ جازَ في حُكْمِ الغَرامِ بِنا الحَدُّ