1. What beauty has descended upon the skilled riders' backs
And what light has been concealed
١. أيُّ حُسنٍ عَلى ظُهورِ المَهارى
قد تَولَّى وأيُّ نُورٍ تَوارى
2. A moon never rose for my eyes in darkness
Except the morning was eclipsed by it and eclipsed
٢. أقْمُرٌ ما انْجَلت لِعَيْني دُجاً إل
لا وغَارَ الصَّباحُ منها فَغَارا
3. My heart severed its passion for her for a time
And spent its prime with youth because of her
٣. قَطَعَ القَلْبُ في هواها زَماناً
وقَضى للصِّبا بِها أوْطارا
4. Times have passed in the chill of bliss
After which my ribs felt warmth
٤. أزْمُنٌ قد مَضَتْ بِبَرْدِ نَعِيمٍ
غادرَتْ بَعْدَها الضُّلوعَ حِرارا
5. She was but a lightning flash glimpsed
Or an apparition that visited at dawn and left
٥. لَمْ تَكُنْ غيرَ لَمْحِ بَرْقٍ تَراءى
أو خَيالٍ قُربَ الصَّبيحةِ زارا
6. Flashes that set my heart aflutter
And full moons that filled my dark night with secrets
٦. بَارِقاتٌ أعَرْنَ قَلْبِي خُفوقاً
وبُدورٌ أورثْنَ جِمسي سِرارا
7. Her light kindled fire in my heart
And my eyelids flowed with copious tears
٧. قَدَحَ النَّارَ نُورُها في فؤادي
وامْتَرَتْ مُقْلَتي حَياً مِدْرارا
8. Oh how difficult this distance has become, it's too much
I ask Allah for patience and contentment
٨. آهِ مِنْ ذا البِعاد قَدْ ضَاقَ ذَرْعي
أسْألُ الله حِسْبَةً واصْطِبارا
9. O breeze that blows from the nearest of times
Talk to me about their news
٩. يا نَسِيماً سَرَى لأقربِ عَهْدٍ
بِحماهُمْ حَدِّثْنِيَ الأخْبارا
10. How is Granada and who has settled there
Blessed are those who inhabit those lands
١٠. كَيْفَ غَرْناطَةٌ ومَنْ حَلَّ فِيْها
حَبَّذا السَّاكنونَ تِلْكَ الدِّيارا
11. How are the beloveds of my passion, the delight of my soul
The light of my eye, the shining moons
١١. كَيْفَ أحبابُ مُهْجَتي رُوحُ رُوحي
نُورُ عَيْني الجآذِرَ الأقْمارا
12. Do they long for my return
Or have they settled there and rested
١٢. هَلْ لَهُمْ مِنْ تَشَوُّفٍ لإيابٍ
أمْ أناخُوا بِها وقرُّوا قَرارا
13. And the Knower of secrets, I have not broken a pact
About their love nor have I counted the nights
١٣. وَعليمِ الغُيوبِ لا حُلْتُ عَهْداً
عَنْ هَواهُمْ ولا خَفَرْتُ ذِمارا
14. Who is my messenger to the beloved of my heart
My goal wherever he settled and resided
١٤. مَنْ رَسُولي إلى حُبَيِّبِ قَلْبي
بُغْيَتي حَيْثُ ما ثَوىَ واسْتَطارا
15. To convey greetings from a lover
Whose diffusion of it compromises discretion and propriety
١٥. لِيؤدِّي تَحيَّةً مِنْ مُحِبٍّ
يَفْضَحُ الرَّنْدَ نَشْرُها والعَرارا
16. And to return the greeting perfumed
With the fragrance of commendable custom and scent
١٦. ويُعيدَ السَّلامَ مِنْهُ أريجاً
طَيِّبَ العَرْفِ نافِحاً مِعْطارا