1. O you who go in pursuit of desire, rushing
Your rejection of desire is goodness for you
١. يا غادِياً في حِرْصِهِ رائِحاً
لَرَفْضُكَ الحِرْصَ هو الخيرُ لَكْ
2. You do not know that Allah the Glorious
Is He who by His favor welcomed you
٢. لم تَدْرِ أنَّ الله سُبحانَهُ
هو الَّذي بِفِضلِهِ استَقْبَلكْ
3. He saw you helpless, without any strength
So He blessed you with strength and chose for you
٣. رآكَ مُضطَرّاً بِلا قُوَّةٍ
فمنَّ بالقُوَّةِ واختارَ لَكْ
4. So entrust the matter to His arrangement
Content with what He decreed as right for you
٤. فَفوِّضِ الأمْرَ لِتَدْبِيرهِ
مُرتَضِياً مِنهْ بما حُقَّ لَكْ
5. And be as you were with Him at first
So He may be with you now as He was with you
٥. وكُنْ كما كُنْتَ لَهُ أوّلاً
يَكُنْ لَكَ الآنَ كما كانَ لَكْ