
Our days when you were present were the sweetest

أيامنا بالحمى ما كان أحلاك

1. Our days when you were present were the sweetest
How much did I revere and hold you dear

١. أيّامَنا بالحِمى ما كانَ أحْلاكِ
كم بِتُّ أرعاهُ إجْلالاً وأرْعاكِ

2. Do not deny my standing humbly at your dwelling
Oh home, if not for my loved ones and you

٢. لا تُنْكِري وَقْفَتِي ذُلّاً بِمَغْناكِ
يا دارُ لولا أحِبّائي ولولاكِ

3. I would not have stood like a lost weeping wanderer
How many dear souls have departed, how many

٣. لَما وَقَفْتُ وُقوفَ الهائِمِ الباكِي
أحبابَ أنْفُسِنا كَمْ ذا النَّوى وكَمِ

4. Oh sanctuary where we found peace
By God, I did not choke back my tears in sorrow

٤. ويا مَعاهِدَ نَجْوانا بِذِي سَلَمِ
تاللهِ ماشُبْتُ دَمْعي للأسى بِدَمِ

5. Nor kiss the dust of the ground out of dignity
Except to indulge a companion now gone from you

٥. ولا لَثَمْتُ تُرابَ الأرْضِ مِنْ كَرَمِ
إلا مُراعاةَ خِلٍّ باتَ يَرْعاكِ

6. Is there still kindness in them after their affection?
Alas for my heart at their scattered state

٦. هَلْ مِنْهُمُ ليَ عَطْفٌ بَعْدَ دَلِّهِمُ
آهاً لِقَلْبي عَلى تَبْدِيْدِ شَملِهِمُ

7. By God, the world cannot allow the like of them
You were the sweetest, oh days of their company

٧. تاللهِ ما تسمحُ الدُّنيا بِمِثْلِهِمُ
ما كانَ أحْلاكِ يا أيَّامَ وَصْلِهِمُ

8. And nights of contentment, how luminous you were
Oh full moon, we turned away and abandoned you

٨. ويالَيالي الرِّضا ما كانَ أضْواكِ
يا بدرَ تِمٍّ تَجافَتْ عَنْهُ أرْبُعُنا

9. Yet our hearts still shelter you
Why does the thought of those times still torment us?

٩. وَلم يَزَلْ تَحْتَوِيهِ الدَّهْرَ أضْلُعُنا
ما لِلنَّوى بضُروبِ الوَجْدِ تُوجِعُنا

10. When I recall a time that brought us together
My liver is torn with yearning to see you

١٠. إذا ذَكَرْتُ زَماناً كانَ يَجْمَعُنا
تَفَطَّرتْ كَبدِي شَوْقاً لِمَرآكِ

11. Perhaps the spirit of acceptance will draw near them
And nearness will establish what distance erased

١١. لعلَّ رَوْحَ الرِّضا يَدْنُو بِهِمْ وعَسى
فَيُثْبِتُ القُرْبُ ما بالبُعْدِ قدْ دَرَسا

12. How much I call out and sing of the brilliant four!
Oh my steadfast heart, where has endurance gone? Only sorrow remains

١٢. كَمْ ذا أُنادِي وأشْدوا الأرْبُعَ الدُّرُسا
ياقَلبِيَ الصَّبَّ أيْنَ الصَّبْرُ عادَ أسى

13. Oh dwellings of Salma, where is your peace?

١٣. ويا منازلَ سَلْمى أيْنَ سَلْماكِ