
When the best appears atop the steed

إذا بدا الأحسن فوق الحصان

1. When the best appears atop the steed
Beware, beware, take care, take care

١. إذا بَدا الأحْسَنُ فَوْقَ الحِصانْ
إيَّاكَ إيَّاكَ الأمانَ الأمانْ

2. For he has a spearhead on his spear
Upon which a blade has been mounted

٢. إنَّ لهُ مِنْ قَدِّهِ صَعْدَةً
قد رُكِّبَ اللحظُ عليها سِنانْ

3. He throws it and makes every heart bleed
So no creature can resist his onslaught

٣. يَرميْ فَيُصْمي كُلَّ قَلْبٍ بِها
فَما لِخَلْقٍ بِظُباها يَدانْ

4. Take your precautions and be wary
For he bears no responsibility for the slain

٤. خُذُوا لَهُ أُهْبَتَكُمْ واحْذَروا
فَما عَلَيْهِ في قَتِيْلٍ ضَمانْ

5. How excellent are the horsemen, if not
For my heart's stake that's on them lain

٥. ما أمْلَحَ الفُرسانَ لَوْ لَمْ يَكُنْ
خَصْلُهُمُ قَلْبي وفِيهِ الرِّهانْ

6. O you who elegantly sports the Rabrab
Above the dunes of Thim and Bayan

٦. يا لامِحَ الرَّبْرَبِ مُسْتَمْلِحاً
بُدورَ تِمٍّ فَوْقَ كُثبانِ بانْ

7. Beware the cunning of the gazelle, for it
Can overcome the lion overtly and plainly

٧. حَذارِ مِنْ عُفْرِ الظِّبا إنَّها
تَبْطِشُ بالأُسْدِ عِياناً بَيانْ

8. O my father, brown like dried meat
Without him, the (other) bay horses are helpless

٨. يا بِأبي أسْمَرُ مِثْلُ اللَّمَى
مِنْ دُونِهِ للسُّمْر حَرْبٌ عَوانْ

9. Shuwaidan, folding up the meadows, full
Of heavy haunches, stony of heart, cheap at any price

٩. شُوَيْدِنٌ طاوي الحشا مُفْعَمُ ال
أرْدافِ قاسِيْ القَلبِ رَخْصُ البَنانْ

10. When he prances in his gait
The sun and the branch bow down before him

١٠. إذا بَدا يَخْتال في مَشْيِهِ
فالشَّمْسُ والغُصْنُ لَهُ يَسْجُدانْ

11. He has come between the hearts of people
And so they are split in two by him

١١. قَدْ حالَ ما بينَ قُلوبِ الوَرى
وبَينَهُمْ فَهُمْ بِهِ فِرقتانْ