1. In your hands lie the life of my soul and body
And in your consent is the scope of secrets and public knowledge
١. في راحَتَيْك حَياةُ الرُّوحِ والبَدَنِ
وفي رضاكِ مجالُ السِّرِّ والعَلَنِ
2. And in my conscience is a hidden secret of love for you
If my mind sought to reveal it, it would not become apparent
٢. وفي ضَميري لَكُمْ مكنونُ سِرِّ هَوَى
لو رامَ ذِهْنِيَ عنهُ الكَشْفَ لم يبِنِ
3. A love that wavered in the air with discontent
I've kept it safeguarded so it guards me
٣. هَوىً تَردَّد في مِثْل الهَواءِ ضَناً
مازلتُ أكْتُمهُ صَوْناً فَيَكْتُمُني
4. I've hidden from everything except your love
From the illness, and if not for my nature, it would not show
٤. خَفِيتُ عن كُلِّ شَيءٍ غَيْرَ عِشْقِكُمُ
من السَّقامِ ولولا الطَّبْعُ لم يَرَني
5. Between me and love is the strongest affinity
So it knows me truly and I know it
٥. بَيْني وبَيْنَ الهَوَى أجْلَى مُناسَبةٍ
فَذاكَ أعْرِفُهُ حَقّاً ويَعْرِفُني
6. O keeper, set boundaries between my heart and sorrow
And nullify the pact between the eye and the eyelid
٦. يا حافِظاً بَيْنَ قَلبي والأسى ذِمَماً
وناقِضَ العَهْدِ بينَ العيْنِ والوَسَنِ
7. Torment my soul with your absence, so my craze intensifies
And nurture my heart with your estrangement, so my passion connects
٧. عَذِّبْ بِتِيْهِكَ نَفْسي يَكْتَمِلْ وَلَهي
ورُعْ بهَجْرِكَ قلبي يتَّصلْ شَجَني
8. For my wishes are only that you alarm me
And my bliss is only that you torture me
٨. فَما أمانيَّ إلّا أنْ تُرَوِّعني
ولا نَعِيمِيَ إِلّا أنْ تُعَذِّبَني
9. I'm amazed, O people, how love has become
For the soul, magnetism of pleasures and tribulations
٩. عَجِبْتُ للْحُبِّ يا لَلنَّاسِ كَيْفَ غَدا
للنَّفْسِ مَغْنِيطسَ اللَّذاتِ والمِحَنِ