
Concealment is incumbent, beware revealing secrets

عليك الكتم واحذر قول سر

1. Concealment is incumbent, beware revealing secrets
To one who has betrayed another's confidence before.

١. عَليكَ الكَتْمَ واحذَرْ قَوْلَ سِرٍّ
لِمَنْ قَدْ ظَلَّ سِرَّ سِواكَ يَحْكي

2. Whoever once confided in you another's secret,
Will in turn confide your secrets to that other, doubt not.

٢. فَمَنْ أهداكَ سِرَّ الغَيْرِ يَوماً
أفادَ الغَيْرَ سِرَّكَ دونَ شَكِّ