1. The sky has split open its folds upon the earth,
So inhale its fragrance or enjoy its beauty.
١. شَقَّتْ على الأرضِ السَّماءُ جُيوبَها
فالمَحْ سَناها أو تَنَسَّمْ طيبَها
2. A land embroidered, with ample shade,
And a breeze filling its expanse with fragrance.
٢. أرضٌ مُدَبَّجَةٌ وظِلٌ وارِفٌ
وشَذىً بهِ مَلأَ النسيمُ رحيَبها
3. The peacock of beauty has spread its wings,
Covering its branches and hills.
٣. قد مدَّ طاووسُ الجمالِ جناحَهُ
فِيها فغطَّى غُصنَها وكَثيبَها
4. You may adorn it however you wish,
Embroider it, refine it, and make it glow.
٤. ماشِئْتَ من وَشْيٍ بها تَوْريدَها
تَوْريسَها تَفْضيضَها تَذْهيبَها
5. The clouds have drawn away its excess tails,
And have sprinkled its plateaus and brought together its valleys.
٥. سَحبَ السَّحابُ بها فُضولَ ذُيوِله
فَوشَى أباطِحَها ولَمَّ شعُوبَها
6. It has emerged like a bride unveiling her veil,
And revealing her beautiful face and drink.
٦. فأتَتْ كما نَضَت العَروسُ نِقابَها
وجَلتْ عن الوَجْهِ الجميلِ شُروبها
7. A valley in which spring has scattered its clouds,
Displaying the arts of its charm and forms.
٧. وادٍ بهِ نَفضَ الربيعُ عِيابَهُ
وأرَى فُنونَ فُتونِه وضُروبَها
8. The light has draped it in its robes,
Refined garments that perfect its elegance.
٨. أضفَى عليه النَّورُ من أثْوابِهِ
خِلَعاً تُهذّب نَشرها تَهذيبَها
9. On its shoulders are swords of water,
With the breeze displaying their flexibility.
٩. في عاتِقَيْهِ من المياهِ صَوارمٌ
يُبدي النَّسيمُ بمتْنِها تَشْطيبَها
10. Among its supple and stirring sands,
The sound of its jewelry has become melodious.
١٠. فالدَّوحُ بينَ مُدَمْلَجٍ ومُخَلخَلٍ
عنها غَدا جَرْسُ الحُليّ نَسيبَها
11. Do not wonder if the smiles of its flowers laugh,
For the dew has spilled over onto it.
١١. لا غَرْوَ إنْ ضَحِكَتْ مَباسِمُ زَهرهِ
فالمُزنُ قد سَفَحت عَلَيْهِ غُروبَها
12. Or if shyness appears on the cheeks of its rose,
For it has split open its folds over it.
١٢. أو إن بَدا خَجلٌ بخدَّيْ وَرْدِهِ
فالدَّوحُ قد شقَّتْ عَليْهِ جُيوبَها
13. Or if a nightingale sings in its shade,
Enchantingly, as the ingenious one composes its melody.
١٣. أو أنْ يُغنّي بُلبلٌ في ظِلِّها
طَرباً وقَد حاكَ البَديعُ نَسيبَها
14. There is no life like the days of spring and its plunder,
A pleasant living, so do not lose its spoils.
١٤. ما مِثْلُ أيَّامِ الرَّبيعِ ونَهْبِها
عَيشٌ يَطيبُ فلا تُضِعْ مَنْهوبَها
15. And turn to the face of time in its prime,
With a greeting that reminds of the radiance of its setting.
١٥. واعطِفْ عَلى وجْهِ الزَّمانِ فَحَيِّهِ
بِتَحيَّةٍ تُنْسي ذُكاءَ غروبَها
16. Incline to ample shade and relax in it,
Until the cup of desires tastes its sweetness.
١٦. واعدِل لِظلٍّ ألعسٍ فارشُفْ بهِ
كأسَ المُنى حتَّى تَطَعَّمَ طِيبَها
17. And glance with the eye of one who has gathered
The dispersed pages to discern their writings.
١٧. والمَحْ صحائفَ ذا الوجودِ بعيْنِ مَنْ
جَمعَ التفرُّقَ تَستَبِنْ مَكتوبَها
18. Beyond this beauty is another beauty that has appeared,
Desired by your soul, if only it knew its desire.
١٨. فَوراءَ هذا الحُسنِ حُسنٌ قَدْ غَدا
مَطلوبَ نفسِكَ لو دَرتْ مَطلوبَها
19. Were it not for my piety that I would be called a reckless youth,
I would have sipped from the lips of the virgin her drink.
١٩. لولا اتِّقائي أن يُقالَ أخو صِبا
لَرَشَفْتُ من ثَغْرِ الأَقاحِ شَنيبَها
20. Or that a blamer may gloat in accusing me,
Of foolishly embracing her staff.
٢٠. أو أنْ يباهِتَ في المَلامةِ عاذِلٌ
بسفاهِ حِلْمٍ لاعتنَقتُ قضيبَها
21. And I would have raised myself above the status of a seductress,
And made that my share of virtue.
٢١. ورَفعتُ نَفْسي عن زِراية غادَةٍ
وجَعَلْتُ ذاكَ من الحِسانِ نَصيبَها