
O You who brings relief to mankind after they despair

يامن يغيث الورى من بعد ما قنطوا

1. O You who brings relief to mankind after they despair
Have mercy on Your servants, whose poverty has humbled them

١. يامن يُغيثُ الوَرى مِنْ بعدِ ما قَنِطُوا
ارحَمْ عِباداً أكفَّ الفقْرِ قد بَسَطوا

2. You have accustomed them to abundant provision without cause
Except for the beauty of hopeful yearning towards You

٢. عَوَّدْتَهم بَسْطَ أرزاقٍ بلا سَببٍ
سوى جميلِ رجاءٍ نحوهُ انْبَسطوا

3. You promised kindness in visits and in breasts
With generosity if they are equitable, and forbearance if they stray

٣. وعُدْتَ بالفضلِ في وردٍ وفي صَدَرٍ
بالجُودِ إن أَقْسَطوا والحِلْمِ إنْ قَسَطوا

4. Virtues bound to the scent of noses because of them
And every hardship is bound by the shackle of generosity

٤. فَضائلُ ارتَبطتْ شُمُّ الأُنوفِ لَها
وكُلُّ صَعْبٍ لقَيدِ الجُودِ يَرْتبطُ

5. O You who is known for good, so the horizons and center have recognized
The beauty of Your blessings

٥. يامن تَعرَّف بالمَعْروفِ فاعتَرفَتْ
بِجَمِّ أنعامهِ الأطرافُ والوسَطُ

6. And knowing the hidden truths of matters, no
Misconception can impugn You, no error

٦. وعالِماً بخفيَّاتِ الأُمورِ فَلا
وَهْمٌ يجوزُ عَليه لا ولا غَلَطُ

7. A poor servant broken at the door of generosity
It is in his nature to arrive when squeezed

٧. عَبْدٌ فقيرٌ بباب الجودِ مُنكسِرٌ
من شأنهِ أن يُوافي حِين يَنضَغطُ

8. Whatever sins and disgraces come to extend his palm, they shame him
His affairs are chaotic, his ropes cut

٨. مَهْما أتى لِيَمُدَّ الكفَّ أخْجَلَهُ
قَبائحٌ وخَطايا أمْرُها فُرُطُ

9. O Vast, yet the steps of creation are too narrow
To describe Your blessings when they seek them, stumbling

٩. يا واسعاً ضاقَ خَطوُ الخَلْقِ عن نِعَمٍ
منهُ إذا خَطبوا في وَصْفِها خَبَطُوا

10. And You who spreads His mercy with the hand of summarized grace
So none who overindulge are deprived of hope

١٠. وناشِراً بيدِ الإجْمالِ رَحْمَتَهُ
فليسَ يَلحقُ منهُ مُسْرفاً قَنَطُ

11. Have mercy on servants content with the hardship of life
Wherever they fall among mankind, they pick up scraps

١١. ارحَمْ عباداً بضَنْكِ العَيْش قد قَنِعُوا
فأيْنَما سَقَطوا بينَ الوَرى لَقَطوا

12. When the world is distributed, they have nothing
Except rags, a cloak, and the dirt, a carpet

١٢. إذا تُوُزِّعت الدُّنيا فَما لَهُمُ
غيرَ الدُّجُنَّةِ لُحفٌ والثَّرى بُسُطُ

13. But they are of Your lofty, sublime essence
Above them no essence, their spiritual station so high

١٣. لكنَّهُم مِنْ ذَرا عَلياكَ في نَمَطٍ
سامٍ رفيعِ الذُّرى ما فَوقَهُ نَمطُ

14. And whoever is gathered with whom he loves
Does not care if the living depart or are scattered

١٤. ومَنْ يَكُنْ بالَّذي يَهواهُ مُجتْمِعاً
فما يُبالي أقامَ الحَيُّ أم شَحَطوا

15. We are the servants and You are the King, none but You
And everything hoped for after this has strayed

١٥. نحنُ العَبيدُ وأنتَ المَلْكُ ليسَ سِوى
وكلُّ شَيءٍ يُرَجَّى بَعْدَ ذا شَطَطُ