
God has a secret of beauty, you are its meaning

لله سر جمال أنت معناه

1. God has a secret of beauty, you are its meaning
It suffices me, and enough that I yearned for it

١. للهِ سِرُّ جَمالٍ أنْتِ مَعْناهُ
حَسبي بهِ وكَفَى أنّي مُعَنَّاهُ

2. Who can protect my heart without its protection
From my onlooker, and nestle it from its settling place

٢. مَنْ لي بظبيٍ فُؤادي دونَ صَوْنَتِهِ
عَنْ ناظِري والثُّريّا دونَ مَثْواهُ

3. A gazelle, whose glances entwine my body
I am more gentle than its gentleness in its meaning's subtlety

٣. غُزيِّلٌ غَزلَتْ ألحاظُهُ جَسَدي
أرقُّ من غَزَلي في لُطفِ مَعْناهُ

4. Of sleepy eyelids and shameless face, obscene is he
Empty of mind, from the one he loved at night

٤. ساجِي الجُفونِ وَقاحُ الوَجْهِ ماجِنُهُ
مفرَّغُ البالِ عَمَّنْ باتَ يَهواهُ

5. He smiles a smile, oh how coquettish it is!
Flirtations ramble in it, oh how crafty!

٥. يَفْتَرُّ عن مَبْسمٍ يا ما أُمَيْلِحَهُ
يَجُولُ فيهِ رُضابٌ ما أُحَيْلاهُ

6. Like a rose its dimple, and honey its saliva
And silk its smile, and musk its scent

٦. كالوَرْدِ وَجْنَتُهُ والشَّهْدِ رِيقَتُهُ
والسِّلْكِ مَبْسِمُهُ والمِسْكِ ريَّاهُ

7. A full moon but the blackness of eyes is its rise
A gazelle but the darkness of heart is its pasture

٧. بدرٌ ولكنْ سَوادُ العَيْنِ مَطلَعُه
ظَبْيٌ ولكن سُوَيْدا القَلْبِ مَرْعاهُ

8. It sways a stature, glory to its Creator
It has been crowned a heavenly garden, blessed is God

٨. يَهتزُّ عن قامَةٍ سُبحانَ مُبدِعها
قد تُوِّجَتْ وَجْنةً تبارَكَ اللهُ

9. If not for its bashfulness, I would say eternity is its origin
And that ridwan in paradise fostered it

٩. لولا تَجنِّيهِ قُلْتُ الخُلدُ مَنْشؤُهُ
وأنَّ رِضْوانَ في الفِردَوْسِ رَبَّاهُ

10. An idol, its Creator formed it of temptations
The most hostile of calamities to man is its sight

١٠. شُوَيْدِنٌ صاغَهُ بارِيهِ مِنْ فِتَنٍ
أعْدَى الخطوبِ على الإنسان مَرآهُ

11. I seek God's forgiveness, but its slightest features
Are the most delightful the world contains, and most wondrous

١١. أستَغفرُ اللهَ بل أدْنى مَلامِحِه
ألَذُّ ما حَوَتِ الدُّنيا وأشْهاهُ

12. Oh you garden who has tortured my heart with its bliss
So the bitterness of its foliage is not bitter to me

١٢. يا جنَّةً عَذَّبَتْ قَلْبي بِنِعمَتِها
فَما أمَرَّ جَناها لي وأحْلاهُ

13. The soul desired that if it obtained its wishes
The most honourable thing for a lover is what it desires

١٣. تَمَنَّتِ النَّفسُ لو تَحْظَى بُمنْيَتِها
أعَزُّ ما لِمُحِبٍّ ما تَمَنَّاهُ

14. Who can give me in my fervour a mouthful of the bashful
As if I was made to drink honey its dimples

١٤. مَنْ لي عَلى غُلَّتي بِرَشْفِ ذي أُشُرٍ
كأنَّما أُشْرِبتْ شَهْداً ثَناياهُ

15. There crept on his cheek, a scorpion to the sideburns
So it perceived from the fruits of fanciful, ardent love

١٥. دبَّتْ عَلى خَدِّهِ للصُّدْغِ عَقربُهُ
فَقَدْ حَسَتْ عن جَنَى وَهْمٍ حُمَيَّاهُ

16. Oh full moon of fortune! It guided my straying soul
And gazelle of distance! It led my heart to its affliction

١٦. يا بَدْرَ سَعْدٍ هَدى نَفْسي لِضِلَّتِها
وظَبْيَ بُعْدٍ لِقَلْبي ساقَ بَلْواهُ

17. Have mercy on a lover whom love had commanded
With love, he who was ignorant of it, it prohibits him

١٧. رُحْماكَ في عاشِقٍ قد عادَ آمِرَهُ
بالحُبِّ مَنْ كان جَهلاً عنهُ يَنهاهُ

18. I have unveiled my excuse for you since my excuse appeared
In a spectacle which has inscribed within it excuses

١٨. خَلَعتُ فيكَ عِذاري إذْ بَدا عُذُري
في مَنظرٍ قَدْ وَشَى فيهِ عِذاراهُ

19. Sleep happily, O you who kept me awake
If I ever keep away from you, may God increase me in wakefulness

١٩. نَمْ مِلْءَ عَينيكَ يا مَنْ ظَلَّ يُسْهِرُني
إن رُمْتُ عَنْكَ سُلُوّاً زادَني اللهُ