
The embroidery of your cheeks with basil and breeze

تطريز خديك بالريحان والراح

1. The embroidery of your cheeks with basil and breeze
Has left no sane mind, neither awake nor asleep

١. تَطْرِيزُ خَدَّيْكَ بالرَّيْحانِ والرَّاحِ
لَمْ يُبْقِ عَقْلاً صَحِيحاً لا ولا صاحي

2. The excuse of a willowy one over cheeks that gathered
The grace of the breeze as solace for souls

٢. عِذارُ آسٍ عَلى خَدَّين قدْ جَمَعا
لِرَوْنقِ الرَّاحِ تَرْوِيحاً لأرواحِ

3. Blessed is Allah, their Creator, for the measure
Of two basil plants on two cups of breeze

٣. تَبارَكَ اللهُ بارِيهِ عَلى قَدَرٍ
رَيْحانَتَيْنِ على كاسَيْنِ مِنْ راحِ

4. As for the excuse, it did not suffice my justification
If the mischievous one were to glimpse my fervent gaze

٤. أمَّا العِذارُ فَما أوْفى بِمَعذِرَتي
لو كانَ يلحَظُهُ عَنْ لَحْظيَ اللَّاحي

5. I will obligate myself to patience's rule with acceptance
Of my reward from God in heeding advisors

٥. سأُلْزِمُ النَّفْسَ حُكْمَ الصَّبر مُحتَسِباً
أجْرِي على اللهِ في تَفْنِيدِ نُصّاحي